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Se la situazione della pandemia globale ti ha colpito nel senso di aumentare di peso, potresti aver cercato qua e là vari modi per perdere quei chili in più, e senza molto sforzo, se possibile. Se hai fatto bene la tua ricerca, potresti anche aver scoperto che uno dei modi migliori per perdere peso è ridurre l'apporto calorico o, in termini umani, fare attenzione a cosa e quanto mangi.
Tuttavia, molte persone semplicemente non hanno il tempo di pianificare i pasti o si preoccupano costantemente del valore nutrizionale del cibo che ingeriscono. Per fortuna, è a questo che servono i piani dietetici; dopo aver confermato che una determinata dieta fa bene, non ti resta che cercare un programma che possa adattarsi bene alle tue attività quotidiane e seguirne scrupolosamente le istruzioni. Se lo fai bene, dovresti iniziare a vedere i risultati in pochissimo tempo.
La dieta chetogenica, convenientemente chiamata cheto, rientra nella categoria che abbiamo ampiamente descritto sopra.
Nota che dovresti verificare con il tuo medico se la dieta chetogenica è giusta per te prima di iniziare ad adottarla nel tuo stile di vita. Sebbene questa dieta non ti limiti così tanto per quanto riguarda la quantità di cibo che puoi consumare, elimina quasi completamente alcuni gruppi di alimenti dai tuoi piani alimentari quotidiani.
Cos'è la dieta chetogenica?
Sebbene semplice nella sua essenza, la dieta chetogenica è in realtà piuttosto complessa a causa della serie di processi che può innescare nel corpo umano, se eseguita correttamente. L'obiettivo di questa dieta è indurre il tuo corpo ad entrare in uno stato chiamato chetosi, in cui utilizza il grasso immagazzinato come fonte di energia invece dei carboidrati.
Per impostazione predefinita, il tuo corpo fa affidamento sul cibo con cui lo integri per sopravvivere. Immagina il cibo come se fosse carburante e le tue attività quotidiane come una distanza che vuoi coprire con la tua auto. Il tuo corpo ha bisogno di bruciare calorie per lavorare, e più lo sforzi, più calorie avrà bisogno. Questo è esattamente il motivo per cui le persone con uno stile di vita attivo hanno bisogno di consumare più calorie di quelle che hanno uno stile di vita sedentario. Proprio come un'auto ha bisogno di più carburante per coprire distanze maggiori, il tuo corpo ha bisogno di quelle calorie se hai intenzione di lavorare sodo.
Tuttavia, se non stai abbastanza attento e sei sovraccarico di calorie, il tuo corpo cercherà di liberarsene, ma l'altra parte che non viene bruciata o eliminata viene immagazzinata come grasso corporeo, nel caso ne avessi bisogno un giorno.
La chetosi è uno stato in cui il tuo corpo inizia a bruciare il grasso corporeo invece dei carboidrati, che è ciò che puoi ottenere seguendo una dieta cheto. Il principio alla base della dieta keto è abbastanza semplice: una delle principali fonti di energia proviene dai carboidrati, quindi la dieta keto elimina quasi tutti i carboidrati dai pasti quotidiani, sostituendoli con grassi e proteine.
Quindi, se hai intenzione di seguire una dieta chetogenica, dovresti aspettarti che molti carboidrati vengano eliminati e sostituiti con grassi. Potresti ancora consumare ALCUNI carboidrati, ma la percentuale è trascurabile. Un pasto giornaliero medio chetogenico sarebbe simile a questo: 70-80% di grassi, 10-20% di proteine e solo 5-10% di carboidrati. Questi valori dovrebbero sommarsi per rappresentare l'apporto calorico giornaliero totale.
Sebbene molti promuovono l'idea che puoi mangiare quanto vuoi mentre sei sotto keto, purché rispetti le proporzioni abbracciate dalla dieta, questa può effettivamente essere una cattiva idea. In generale, potresti avere difficoltà a mangiare troppo quando quasi tutto ciò che mangi è costituito da grassi e proteine. Tuttavia, mangiare troppo su keto non è inaudito e potresti facilmente cadere nelle fessure del consumo di troppe calorie rispetto alla tua assunzione regolare.
Pertanto, è ovvio che dovresti avere una buona disciplina e almeno un po' di esperienza nel mantenere equilibrato il tuo programma alimentare in modo da poter seguire senza difficoltà le percentuali che la dieta chetogenica promuove. Sebbene tu possa andare avanti e iniziare un diario alimentare, acquistare una bilancia da cucina e iniziare a leggere tutti i valori dell'etichetta nutrizionale di tutto il cibo che mangi, utilizzare un'app specializzata potrebbe essere molto più semplice per te.
Perché ho bisogno di un'app cheto?
Come accennato in precedenza, le app keto sono un ottimo modo per tenere traccia dei tuoi pasti quotidiani, pianificare in anticipo, scoprire nuove ricette, tenere traccia dei tuoi progressi, tenere un diario del peso, creare liste della spesa e persino connettersi con altri membri del keto community se l'app supporta questa funzione.
Se hai sentito parlare della dieta keto, è probabile che possiedi già uno smartphone e sai già di cosa è veramente capace quel piccolo dispositivo che porti sempre in tasca. Quindi non dovrebbe sorprendere quando ti diciamo che uno dei modi migliori per tenerti motivato durante il tuo viaggio di perdita di peso con la dieta cheto sarebbe usare il tuo smartphone per tenere sotto controllo tutto, gestire i tuoi pasti quotidiani e, perché no, anche tenerti motivato.
Quali sono le migliori app cheto?
Se sei già a bordo della dieta chetogenica e vuoi assicurarti di seguirla completamente in modo completo, ma intuitivo, allora potresti aver bisogno di un'assistenza virtuale affidabile. Riteniamo che le app dedicate alla keto siano il modo migliore per farlo poiché comprendono diverse funzionalità specializzate che potrebbero semplificare notevolmente il tuo percorso di perdita di peso.
Per questo motivo, abbiamo cercato solo le migliori app cheto sul mercato e le abbiamo raggruppate in un elenco facile da seguire. Come imparerai presto, ci sono diverse fantastiche app che potrebbero aiutarti a tenere traccia di tutto mentre sei a dieta cheto. Tuttavia, dovresti sapere che ce ne sono altrettanti (se non di più) che sembrano davvero promettenti e quindi non offrono risultati, rendendoti impossibile tenere traccia dei tuoi progressi o, peggio ancora, farti perdere progressi offrendoti misurazioni imprecise, informazioni false o funzionalità difettose.
Nella nostra guida, abbiamo lavorato con gli esperti di per assicurarci di includere solo app di alta qualità che ti aiuteranno a raggiungere il tuo obiettivo. Vale la pena ricordare che alcune app richiedono l'acquisto di un piano di abbonamento, ma ti assicuriamo che se sei seriamente intenzionato a cheto e a perdere peso, ne varrebbe assolutamente la pena acquistare un piano.
Senza ulteriori indugi, le migliori app cheto sul mercato sono le seguenti:
Gestore carboidrati
Dieta cheto totale
Le mie macro+
Le 11 migliori app Keto (classificate e recensite)
1. Gestore carboidrati
Carb Manager è una delle migliori app che potresti utilizzare per tenere traccia del tuo apporto calorico giornaliero e organizzare i tuoi piani alimentari se sei seriamente intenzionato a seguire la dieta keto nel modo in cui è stata concepita. Forse l'aspetto più importante di questa app è il fatto che ti offre un'esperienza su misura per le tue caratteristiche personali, come il livello di attività quotidiana, il peso attuale, il carico glicemico, i tempi di digiuno intermittente e i livelli di insulina.
L'app mostra un tracker macro avanzato che può aiutarti a dividere facilmente i tuoi piani pasto in base alla dieta keto, assicurandoti di raggiungere tutti i tuoi livelli macro, che si tratti di proteine, grassi o carboidrati di cui stiamo parlando. Devi solo registrare il cibo che mangi ogni giorno nell'app e Carb Manager mostrerà i tuoi livelli macro per quel giorno. Inoltre, durante l'utilizzo di Carb Manager otterrai macro specifiche dell'utente che vengono regolate automaticamente man mano che avanzi verso i tuoi obiettivi.
Il componente di tracciamento del cibo dell'app è piuttosto complesso considerando che dispone di funzionalità di scansione integrate in modo da non dover digitare ogni piccolo parametro del valore nutrizionale dei tuoi alimenti. Basta scansionare il codice a barre e lasciare che Carb Manager estragga tutte le informazioni di cui ha bisogno dalla descrizione del prodotto. Puoi utilizzare il localizzatore di cibo per registrare un cibo che hai mangiato a un certo punto o semplicemente controllare se l'oggetto che stai scansionando è compatibile con il keto. Carb Manager offre anche la registrazione vocale, quindi puoi semplicemente attivarlo con un "hey Carb Manager" e dire cosa hai mangiato ad alta voce. Abbastanza impressionante, vero?
Carb Manager presenta un database di ricette completo che include più di 3000 ricette premium esclusive create da chef, che potrebbero farti risparmiare un po' di tempo che avresti speso alla ricerca delle ricette keto perfette. Le ricette hanno tempo di preparazione, un contatore di calorie, un tracker di macro e una funzione di segnalibro. Ci sono anche ricette gratuite che sono state inviate dagli utenti e controllate dai membri della community di Carb Manager. Puoi aggiungere tutte le ricette al tuo registro giornaliero con il semplice tocco di un pulsante.
Il pianificatore di pasti integrato di Carb Manager può sollevare l'onere di pensare a cosa mangerai in pochi giorni o la prossima volta che avrai fame. Tuttavia, non si limita a bloccare le tue scelte e ti costringe ad accettare qualunque cosa abbia pianificato per te. Invece, ti presenta una serie di alternative tra cui puoi facilmente scegliere e persino sostituire quelle che non ti interessano. Inoltre, il pianificatore dei pasti ha una lista della spesa incorporata ed è sincronizzato con il registro giornaliero.
Se non conosci la keto, la Keto Academy di Carb Manager offre un'ampia gamma di lezioni video interattive che possono aggiornarti. Tuttavia, puoi anche imparare a cucinare il keto e conoscere integratori avanzati, diversi stili di keto e combinare il keto con il digiuno usando questa funzione. Il componente della community di Carb Manager ti consente di entrare in contatto con esperti, trovare la motivazione nelle storie di successo di altri e pubblicare o leggere contenuti sui forum di keto.
Carb Manager dispone anche di un portale di esercizi nel caso in cui desideri fare un salto di qualità. Questa funzione può aiutarti a creare routine di allenamento, registrare qualsiasi attività (anche quelle non disponibili nell'app) e tenere traccia dei tuoi allenamenti quotidiani come un professionista. Ultimo, ma non meno importante, questa app può monitorare oltre 30 parametri corporei come pressione sanguigna, insulina ed esercizio fisico. Inoltre, questa app ti consente di integrare il ciclo dei carboidrati o il digiuno nella tua dieta chetogenica.
Puoi scaricare Carb Manager su Google Play Store per telefoni e tablet Android e dall'App Store per dispositivi iOS.
2. KetoDieta
KetoDiet è un'app keto completa e di facile utilizzo che può aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di perdita di peso seguendo una dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati in modo intuitivo e facile da usare, fornendoti tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno, da un pianificatore di pasti, un controllo dei progressi, una guida alla dieta e una lista della spesa.
L'app comprende più di 1600 ricette che sono state provate e testate sul suo blog integrato. Puoi utilizzare il blog in-app per leggere di più sulla dieta chetogenica, scoprire altre ricette e apprendere nuovi fatti interessanti su vari alimenti. KetoDiet ti consente anche di creare i tuoi pasti aggiungendo alimenti e ingredienti personalizzati all'elenco che puoi utilizzare in seguito per progettare il tuo piano. È facile modificare, aggiungere o clonare alimenti in qualsiasi giorno del tuo piano.
Le ricette ti offrono un grande livello di dettaglio in modo che tu non debba cercarle da qualche altra parte, così come valori nutrizionali accurati degli alimenti che usi per creare le ricette. Gli ingredienti facoltativi che abbiamo menzionato sopra ti danno abbastanza spazio di manovra per creare un corso più flessibile per te, ma dovresti stare attento a non oltrepassare nessuna macro se vuoi che keto funzioni. È anche molto importante che tu possa aggiungere le tue ricette preferite ai segnalibri e regolare le dimensioni della porzione dall'app.
KetoDiet dispone di un editor di profili completo che puoi utilizzare per fornire all'app informazioni utili su di te, in modo che possa adattarsi alle tue esigenze in modo più efficiente. Pertanto, puoi utilizzare l'editor del profilo per impostare i tuoi obiettivi e limiti di carboidrati, determinare la tua assunzione macro ideale utilizzando il calcolatore di chetogenico integrato, aggiornare costantemente le misurazioni del tuo corpo (peso, grasso corporeo) per tenere traccia dei tuoi progressi in modo efficace, così come sincronizza i tuoi progressi su più dispositivi se scegli di creare un account KetoDiet.
Se sei il tipo di persona a cui piace pianificare in anticipo, anche quando si tratta di pasti, KetoDiet ti copre. Puoi creare e personalizzare il tuo programma di dieta utilizzando alcune delle centinaia di pasti inclusi nell'applicazione, ma puoi anche creare i tuoi pasti personalizzati se ti senti particolarmente creativo. Inoltre, KetoDiet ti offre diversi spuntini veloci con 1 ingrediente per fermare le tue voglie, pasti al ristorante e scansione di codici a barre per identificare più facilmente i prodotti di marca e aggiungerli al tuo registro giornaliero.
Hai dubbi sul monitoraggio dei progressi? KetoDiet ha il pacchetto completo. Oltre ad aiutarti a tenere sotto controllo il peso totale e il grasso corporeo, KetoDiet può anche aiutarti a monitorare varie altre statistiche corporee, l'assunzione di acqua, carboidrati e macro, l'umore e i livelli di energia, la glicemia, i lipidi nel sangue e anche come chetoni dalle urine, dal sangue e dal respiro.
Se sei un principiante della keto, alcuni dei termini e delle conoscenze che incontrerai durante l'utilizzo dell'app potrebbero sembrare un po' opprimenti. Fortunatamente, KetoDiet presenta diverse guide che potrebbero insegnarti tutto sulla dieta chetogenica, aiutarti a capire cos'è la chetosi e perché è una parte importante di questa dieta, oltre a mostrarti cosa dovresti mangiare ed evitare mentre sei su un keto dieta.
KetoDiet è disponibile per il download su dispositivi Android e iOS dal Google Play Store e dall'App Store.
3. Senza
Se sei un principiante, Senza è sicuramente il punto in cui dovresti iniziare il tuo viaggio cheto. L'app sfoggia un'interfaccia semplice ma bella che ti offre un'esperienza semplificata e senza fronzoli in modo che tu possa non solo monitorare i tuoi progressi verso i tuoi obiettivi sulla dieta cheto, ma anche capire un po' di più sui processi che si sviluppano nel tuo corpo, Un giorno alla volta.
Instead of following the standard low-carb approach, Senza lets you take a more effective, albeit more restrictive path that combines the ketogenic diet with fasting. Thus, you will not only be following a low-carb diet, but you’ll also intertwine it with eating only in an specific time window. The application lets you configure your plan by adjusting weight-losing goals and the way you can achieve them.
Therefore, you can use Senza to track the nutritional value of the foods you’re consuming, keep tabs on your eating windows, manage workouts, and track your weight to see if you’re heading in the right direction or still need some adjustments. If you’re the type of person who likes to bask in the glory of losing even a tiny amount of weight each day, then this app is exactly what you’ve been needing but didn’t know you did.
Senza has a tremendous database that holds over 1.6 million food items, as well as over 5000 recipes for various diet types, including paleo, carnivore, and ketogenic. The app can also help you calculate the net carbs value of different foods by subtracting fiber and sugar alcohol from the total amount of carbs that those foods comprise.
The application also has a time-based logging system that’s easy to use, so you’ll know exactly when you ate each meal, so you don’t accidentally overlap your eating window with your non-eating one. Senza features a barcode scanner so that you can add branded foods to your log without having to look them up in a database or input their nutritional values manually, all by yourself. You just point your phone’s camera to the barcode of the food item you’re trying to log and let Senza do all the heavy lifting.
There’s also a built-in fasting timer letting you know exactly how much time you have left until your next eating window opens. If you don’t have enough time to cook a proper keto meal, Senza also has an interactive map of restaurants that serve keto meals, as well as their menus. Not exactly satisfied with Senza’s food database? Not to worry: the app provides you with a series of features that you can use to build your own meals, and you can also include private or custom food items to the app’s database, if needed.
If you like having and being able to access everything from a single location, Senza can provide you with that experience as far as losing weight goes. You can use the app to track your progress with various activities, whether it’s following a certain type of diet (in this case keto), engaging in a fasting schedule, and exercising. However, the app can also track body stats such as ketones, glucose, or your body weight. In addition, you can sync the app with Google Fit, Fitbit, and Biosense, if you need or want to.
Senza can also be a great experience to share with your friends thanks to its numerous social features that let you log from each other’s journals, motivate each other to stay on track, share your goals and breakthroughs with your friends, as well as exchange recipes, and tips and tricks for following a keto, paleo, or carnivore lifestyle.
You can download and use Senza on Android and iOS devices from the Google Play Store, and respectively the App Store.
4. Keto
This app is simply called Keto, but you can find it easier by its full name,, if you look it up online. Keto is an extraordinary app that you can use to keep track of your progress throughout the keto diet, whether we’re talking about your food habits, your weight and body fat percentage, your water intake, or your burned calories we’re talking about.
Keto is a Swedish army knife of keto enthusiasts, as it provides you with a broad range of features you could use to simplify your keto-assisted weight-loss journey. You can use it to customize your macro goals by tailoring them to your body type and your level of activity. You can choose from various goals such as weight loss, maintaining your current weight, or gaining mass.
The application enables you to record, view, and analyze your nutrition goals, to ensure that you consume an appropriate amount of protein, fat, calories, and net carbs. Net carbs are determined by subtracting fiber and sugar alcohol from the total amount of carbs that a certain type of food has, but Keto is also able to count the total amount of carbs if you want it to.
To make the app work for you properly, you’ll need to log everything you eat on a daily basis and be completely honest with the app (and yourself). You can track all the meals you had in one day altogether, but if you want you can also split them into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Additionally, you shouldn’t worry about giving the Keto app-specific details such as how many protein grams per serving did the food you ate had, or the number of carbs per 100g.
Instead, you can either use the simple search engine embedded within the app or scan your food or beverage barcode using the build-in barcode scanner. If you choose to go with the Keto search engine, you’ll probably notice that certain foods and beverages are marked so that you can decide faster between what food or drink you should have to make sure you achieve your daily goal. The Keto app has an impressive database of products from the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, Russia, and South Africa.
The foods you’ve consumed can be sorted by any macronutrient supported by the ap, and doing so couldn’t be easier. All macronutrients are displayed at the top of the screen, and each of them resides inside a circle. The circles also serve as indicators, as they’re filled with color based on the percentage of the macronutrient they represent within a given food item. Simply tapping the circles can sort food items by macros, so you can have a clear overview of what you’re interested in.
The app can keep track of how many steps you took, as well as how many calories you burned in a given period of time, and it can also be synced with your FitBit, import your activities from FitBit, and synchronize with Apple Health. You can, for instance, export your personal nutrition data, activities, weight, and water intake to use with Apple Health.
Furthermore, you can log changes in your weight to make sure that you didn’t stray from your weight-loss path. Keto also includes a water intake tracker where you can set a daily goal for water consumption and track it effectively, as drinking water is important not only for the weight-loss process but also to remain hydrated during the day. It’s a known fact that the keto diet flushes out water from your body by reducing inflammation, so keeping yourself hydrated during this diet is paramount.
You can download the Keto app for iOS and Android devices from the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
5. Total Keto Diet
Struggling to keep tabs on everything while you’re following a ketogenic diet? Not to worry, that’s precisely why specialized apps have been invented: to assist you with various activities in your day-to-day life. Total Keto Diet is an awesome mobile app that can help you create custom meal plans for your keto diet, but also provides you with a plethora of low-carb recipes, a huge food database, and shopping list capabilities.
Much like other similar apps, it includes a macro tracker that you can use to overview your macronutrient and calorie intake every day, so that you make sure that you don’t cut any corners and receive the right amount of fat, protein, and carbs. Total Keto Diet comes with custom meal plans that are tailored to your goals, body, and level of activity, so there are no two identical plans.
Within the app you’ll be able to find more than 800 keto recipes that were created by the Total Keto Diet team, and also tested and enriched with photographs, so you don’t have to look them up on different platforms because of unclear instructions. Each recipe features ingredient preparation and cooking times, as well as the number of carbohydrates per serving, so you could know at a glance whether or not certain recipes are good for you.
Additionally, you can find a shopping list feature that lets you add ingredients from the app’s built-in keto recipes or create your own custom ingredients that you can include in your meal plans. Although you can use the app for all your ketogenic diet management needs, you can also export certain information such as meal plans to PDFs so you can share it or print them out so you can access them without depending on your phone.
Total Keto Diet also features a calculator that can help you determine whether you’ve reached your macro goal, are still a long way from it or you’ve gone overboard. The app can automatically calculate the net carb amount by subtracting fiber and sugar alcohols from the total amount of carbs that a certain food item contains, but you can also set it to display the total amount of carbs if you’re more comfortable with that.
The application enables you to export your data so you can view and analyze it with third-party software solutions, and gives you weekly digests based on your overall activity. There’s also the possibility that you can sync Total Keto Diet with FitBit in order to import physical activities within the app and track them from there, such as walking, running, or cycling.
Total Keto Diet also supports weight check-in photos, so that you can compare your body in terms of weight by logging your weight occasionally, but also looks. Note that you may not see much difference on a scale if you’re heavily exercising, but you’ll definitely see improvement in your before and after photos.
Last, but not least, it’s worth mentioning that Total Keto Diet includes a guide for beginners that aims to answer even the most burning questions of keto novices. For instance, you can learn more about what the keto diet is, how to test for ketosis, discover scientific facts about fat, learn more about macronutrients, and even understand what the keto flu is and how it can affect you.
Total Keto Diet is available to download for iOS and Android devices on Google’s Play Store and the App Store.
6. MyMacros+
If you’re an advanced keto diet adept, you may benefit more from an app that doesn’t spoon-feed you as much, such as MyMacros+. This app features a no-nonsense approach that can help you reach your goals, but that doesn’t imply that it’s not also user-friendly for those who are just starting their weight-loss journey assisted by the ketogenic diet.
MyMacros+’s huge database comprises more than 5 million food items that you can choose from, giving you plenty of options if you’re trying to customize your own keto meal plans. However, if you’re a true novice and don’t know where to start, MyMacros+ has got you covered, as it can provide you with quite a rich selection of meal plans that you can customize according to your needs, goals, and personal traits.
You can create custom food items if you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for within the app. MyMacros+ has an intuitive system that you can use to create your own food items that you can add to your meal plans without breaking a sweat. All you have to do is use the Add Custom Food feature in the Food Menu and follow the on-screen instructions. The process is quite streamlined and you shouldn’t require additional assistance to go through with adding custom foods.
This app can run natively on a broad range of devices, including but not limited to your PC, whether it’s a laptop or a desktop PC, Mac, iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and tablets, as well as Apple Watches. Therefore, it may be quite suitable for you if you’re looking for an app that allows you to keep track of your progress on numerous platforms synchronously.
The application gives you elaborate details and insight on how the diet you’re trying to follow (in this case keto, but you can choose some other ones, as well) affects your goals and metabolism. If you’re not exactly in the know regarding the way the keto diet works and need to brush up your knowledge about the processes that unfold in your body while you’re digesting, MyMacros+ has you covered.
You can use the multi-platform feature of MyMacros+ to manage your diet on various devices, keep track of your body stats, see the exact macro values for everything you plan on eating (or have already eaten), plan your meals ahead of having them, discover new recipes, scan product barcodes for easy food logging, and even track your fasting intervals from the device of your choice. You can even start working on your laptop, for instance, and switch to a mobile version of the app if you suddenly have to leave.
If it’s hard for you to keep motivated, you’ll probably be glad to learn that MyMacros+ has a social component that you can use to share your progress with others, or, if you’re not exactly a social butterfly, you can check on others’ progress and use it to stay motivated and remain focused on your goals. However, this feature is only available on the iOS version of the app, which is quite unfair, but we’re sure it’ll be added to other versions of the app sometime soon.
As opposed to other similar products, MyMacros+ features a light, lifetime version, which only costs $2.99, and also has a pro version that is based on a monthly or yearly subscription model. The light version features everything we’ve discussed above, so if you’re simply looking for an app that can help you keep track of your progress in your keto-assisted weight-loss journey, MyMacros+ is perfectly fine.
However, if you want more from the app, you may want to consider giving a try to the pro, subscription-based version. It offers you full website access to MyMacros+, lets you add unlimited meals, has infinite nutritional goal profiles, provides you with a weekly diet summary, has priority customer support, offers you a macro breakdown by meal, food, and day, and unblocks all features in the mobile apps.
7. FatSecret
If you’ve never heard about FatSecret, chances are you won’t even guess what it is without giving a glance at its list of features. While its name is a bit misleading, FatSecret is an awesome app that you can use to watch your weight (and even drop some pounds) by counting the calories in your daily eating routine.
As we’ve mentioned before, one of the most common misconceptions about keto is that you don’t need to worry about the number of calories you consume, as long as you follow the macro percentages and make sure that your diet is mostly based on fat and protein. Many studies have shown that you can still overeat even if you’re following the ketogenic diet, so a calorie counter might not be the craziest thing.
FatSecret is a sure way to get rid of unwanted pounds and keep them at bay by making you use one of nature’s best pound-shredding devices: counting calories and making sure you don’t go over your recommended daily intake. As we’re sure you understand, different levels of activity require different calorie intake values. For instance, you can’t, or better yet shouldn’t consume the same amount of calories as a lumberjack if you work inside an office all day long and do pretty much nothing else in terms of physical activity.
The app is 100% free, so you can use it at your leisure without ever worrying that you’ll have to reach for your wallet in order to use it. FatSecret also sports a website where you can check food items and recipes, just to make sure that they match or diet, or better yet, use these features if you ever run out of ideas regarding what you can cook or what else you can eat instead of your boring, regular meals. The website is also completely free and completes the app’s features quite nicely.
Now about the app, you’ll be thrilled to learn that FatSecret comes with various features that can help you boost your weight-losing goals in various manners. For instance, it has a food diary that can help you keep track of what you’ve been eating by simply putting each meal and food item within the app. FatSecret will automatically add them all up and tell you whether or not you’re on the right track.
FatSecret also showcases a huge selection of healthy recipes that you can sort by a large number of criteria, such as meal type (appetizers, dessert, breakfast, lunch, dinner, salad, soup, snack), ingredients (dairy, seafood, vegetables, meat, herbs, spices, grain, fruit), and diet type (diabetic, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, low fat, low cholesterol, and low carb, which is essentially keto).
Each recipe overview lets you know the per-serve nutritional values of the meal you can prepare by using it, including energy (kcal), carb, protein, and fat, but you can also see a user rating. Most (if not all) recipes are submitted by users, and, as you can expect, some are more invested than others, so the user rating system can come in really handy if you want to avoid poorly written instructions, lack of pictures, or mismatched ingredients.
FatSecret provides you with lists of all nutritional values for various foods, restaurant items, meals, and brands. The app has a barcode scanner, so you won’t have to worry about spending a lot of time manually putting all the relevant info within your food diary. You just launch the app, navigate to the appropriate section, and point your phone to the barcode of the brand food item you’re trying to log into your diary. FatSecret will automatically detect it and add it to your food diary.
If you are or want to be more active, you could combine your diet-based weight-losing journey with exercising. Fortunately, FatSecret also packs an awesome workout diary where you could log various types of exercises and how long you’ve performed them, so you can also keep track of the number of calories you burn, and not only the ones you consume.
Additionally, FatSecret grants you access to a weight journal and chart, so you can record any weight changes that go on with your body and keep tabs on your evolution through your weight-losing process in a user-friendly, intuitive manner. The app also lets you interact with the chart, so you could check previous trends and try to avoid mistakes you might’ve made which caused your weight to spike for a short while.
FatSecret comes with mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows, but you can also use it on your Windows PC by downloading it from the Microsoft Store. Although the app is completely free to use, you may encounter some in-app purchases while using it.
8. PlateJoy
PlateJoy is a dieting app that promotes a simple, yet powerful message: “healthy eating for busy people.” Growing up, we used to hear that time is our biggest enemy and the boldest of us even ridiculized those who were chanting this idea. However, if you’ve worked around the clock, you probably understand that, at least to some degree, time is really one of the finest things in life, a luxury that most of us can’t seem to afford lately.
That’s precisely what PlateJoy seems to exploit by offering those of us who lack time a healthy alternative to eating. We all know how preparing a healthy meal can take a lot of time and slipping those extra tens of minutes before your sleeping time or in your lunch break seems to be impossible, so the app attracted quite a few users over time, and for good reason, too.
If any of the thoughts expressed above have hit home, you may want to consider giving PlateJoy a try. Here’s what makes this app stand out in the crowd: it uses a complex algorithm based on more than fifty data points to generate a completely personalized weekly menu for you, one that fits your preferences but still helps you reach your goals, whether they’re losing, gaining, or maintaining weight.
Furthermore, PlateJoy comes with smart grocery lists that, unlike other apps, takes into account food items that you already own, thus helping you save money and reduce waste by a tremendous deal. The app also designs its shopping lists in such a manner that it could actually help you reduce the time you spend at the store.
Even if you don’t have time to go grocery shopping, PlateJoy comes with an awesome feature that allows you to order your favorite food from Amazon Fresh and Instacart at a press of a button. You just need to make sure that you have everything on your shopping list, then use the optional order feature to save time by having the items delivered to your doorstep.
We’ve included PlateJoy on our list because obviously, it’s a great assistant to have if you’ve decided to shed some pounds by following the ketogenic diet. However, PlateJoy is capable of so much more than guiding you through keto, and unlike other services, it doesn’t spread itself too thin, so you’ll still get all the help you need, even if you decide to stick to your keto diet religiously and give no other diet or meal plan a try.
We’re still going to tell you what you may be missing, in terms of “secondary” diet plans: clean eating, low carb, Mediterranean, dairy-free, paleo, kid-friendly, vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, low FODMAP, and gluten-free.
In order to get started, PlateJoy will attempt to assess some facts about you, your dietary preferences and habits, as well as your lifestyle and any particularities related to you. It’s worth mentioning that if you want to see noticeable results, you need to be completely honest during your assessment and not indulge yourself in many cheat answers.
Among the questions PlateJoy will ask you, it’s possible to find whether or not you’re limiting carbs, how often do you eat meat, and what type of meat do you normally consume, your age and weight-losing goals, your activity levels, if you’re trying to avoid any specific ingredients, as well as how many recipes you’d like to see each week for every meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and dessert), and for how many people you’ll be cooking.
After answering all the questions (hopefully) truthfully, PlateJoy will generate a customized meal plan for you that will, without a doubt, help you reach your goals or at least move a great amount towards them. It’s worth noting that you can modify certain aspects of your meal plan at any given time. For instance, if you suddenly decide not to consume meat anymore, or have developed an allergy to a certain ingredient, you can easily change these parameters.
You can use PlateJoy on any desktop computer or laptop (PC, Mac) that has a web browser, but you can also download the app on your iPhone or Android phones and tablets. Note that PlateJoy is not free, but it does offer you a generous trial that you can cancel at any point.
9. Foodabi
If you’re trying to go keto, you may already know what you can expect; you’ll be eating way fewer carbohydrates, while supplementing your body with a lot of fat and protein, tricking it into entering ketosis, a state where it burns energy from your fat deposits, instead of relying on carbs. If you already knew all of that and you’re serious about it, then you’re absolutely good to go.
More than that, it also means that learning about the existence of the Foodabi app, which promotes keto and low carb diets, will make perfect sense to you, especially if you’ve been looking for a way to keep track of everything you eat, discover new relevant recipes, and have a trustworthy assistant that could suggest you a meal plan, as well as inform you about every macronutrient you’re about to ingest.
Granted, the app is not nearly as complex as some other entries on our list, but you can still use Foodabi if you plan on sticking to the ketogenic diet or simply want to reduce the number of carbs you’re eating on a daily basis. Foodabi comes with cooking videos for various low-carb recipes so that you can follow them without worrying that you may mess something up.
More so, after learning a few things about you, Foodabi can generate an individualized meal plan that you can follow. The meal planner feature comes with a calorie counter component so that you can always be in the know regarding the number of calories you consume per meal, per day, or per given period of time. You can also modify your individualized meal plan in real-time by adjusting your daily calorie consumption. This will trigger the app to recommend other types of food or keep the variety while dropping the number of certain food items.
After creating your food plan, Foodabi lets you create shopping lists based on meals and periods of time. For instance, you can take all the meals that the app has planned for you this week and see all the ingredients you will need to buy if you plan on preparing all of them. Alternatively, you can tap a specific meal, and Foodabi will only display the ingredients you’ll need to prepare it. It’s also possible to use an ingredients list without recipes, just in case you plan on purchasing a larger quantity and feel that seeing all the recipes listed could confuse you.
The diet plans that Foodabi offers you are tailored based on your body stats (age, gender, weight, height), but also on your personal preferences so that you could tone it down a notch if you feel that it’s too drastic. The principle is quite simple: based on the body stats that you provide the app with, Foodabi calculates your BMI, macros, and calories, and presents you with a meal plan based on all of these parameters.
If at some point you feel that your meal plan isn’t exactly the way you wanted it to be, you can easily replace any and every recipe with a different low-carb recipe from the same database and Foodabi will let you know if you’re still within your calorie and macro limits after performing the modifications. Foodabi also sports a weight loss guide that will explain to you several things that are important while following a low-carb diet, so you don’t have to follow meal plans blindly without knowing what’s going on in your body.
While it’s obvious that Foodabi was designed for iOS users (the Android app page has a lot of Apple and iTunes references, as well as Apple Health integration mentions), you can also use it on Android devices. Note that the developers mention that you could use the app for free, but the lack of features and recipes makes it not worth the trouble. Therefore, if you’re looking for a free app that’s actually usable, you may try another one on our list.
10. 8fit
If you’re trying to bring a little order to your life and embrace more good habits such as eating healthy, meditate, sleep better, and workout, then 8fit may be exactly what you need right now. Although not a dedicated keto app, 8fit has a well-deserved spot in our top, granted that you can use it as an awesome assistant on your ketogenic weight-loss journey just as well as you would if you’re simply trying to work out in a more organized fashion.
8fit is what we’d never hesitate to call a Swedish army knife, or a multitool of any good habit practitioner, whether you’re trying to shed a few pounds, eat healthy for all the benefits associated with it, meditate, tone your body and prepare it for beach season, or simply sleep better. It has everything you need to get started and keep going on your self-improvement journey.
8fit combines a broad range of fun and varied workouts so that you won’t get tired of running the same routine over and over again, and your body won’t have a chance to adapt and reach a plateau from your physical activities anytime soon. The app comprises HIIT full-body training, yoga, Pilates, stretching, and even cardio boxing for the more daring of you.
You can engage in weekly challenges and keep track of your progress, either individually or en-masse. For instance, you can set a number of goals that you want to reach one week, such as walking a number of steps, stretch for a specific amount of minutes, or do aerobics a number of times, and check the app each time you go through a checkpoint. As it turns out, splitting your workouts in several checkpoints and meeting each of them can keep you motivated for longer, and you’re less prone to giving up when you have smaller goals that lead you to a big one.
But if you’ve reached this article, chances are you’re not here for the workout stuff that 8fit has to offer, although working out is quite important if you’re trying to lose weight in a healthy fashion. If you’re here to talk about the ketogenic diet, then that’s precisely what we’ll focus on. 8fit can and will create a personalized meal plan based on your dietary preferences, and will allow you to exclude any food item from your plans, regardless of whether it’s a personal preference or an allergy.
The meal plans that 8fit can create for you can be based on various dietary preferences, such as dairy-free, vegetarian, gluten-free, and yes, even keto, or low carb. Each meal plan you’ll configure with this app lets you access a generous amount of recipes that are neatly organized in various categories, as well as a shopping list. Furthermore, you can skip one meal entirely from being logged, change it to another meal, or mark it as done and get it logged in your food diary.
8fit will keep track of everything you eat, and grant you access to an overview, so you can keep tabs on your weight-losing journey like a pro, understand what you’ve been doing right and wrong, and, if needed, do appropriate changes to your lifestyle to reach your goals faster. Everything you eat will be measured in terms of macronutrients and calories. This means that if you’re honest with the app and tell it exactly what and how much you’ve been eating, you’ll have a detailed analysis of how many calories, carbs, protein, and fat, you’ve been ingesting.
Perhaps the most important aspect of 8fit is that it’s free for everyone, so you can go ahead and give it a try, and see if it’s just what you’re looking for. However, you should note that despite the fact that 8fit actually comes in two flavors: a basic, limited version, and a premium one that you’re gonna have to pay for.
As you’d expect, the basic version of 8fit is quite limited and doesn’t provide you with access to all that the app is capable of, such as complete meal plans and exclusive workouts. However, the free and limited version should be enough for you to decide whether or not investing in a Pro subscription plan is worth it.
At the time being, you can use 8fit on any computer that has an Internet connection and a supported web browser, or download it and use it as an app on Android and iOS phones and tablets. Note that some features (such as the pedometer) will only be available if you use the mobile 8fit apps, but you can access data collected through these exclusive features on the web version, as well.
11. MyFitnessPal
If you ever felt tempted to begin a weight-losing journey, you might’ve heard about specialized third-party apps that could help you reach your goals faster, or at least keep track of what matters when you’re trying to shed those extra pounds or generally improve your lifestyle. As you might’ve known before we mentioned it here, one of the most famous apps that fall in this category is MyFitnessPal.
You might wonder why we’ve included it on our extensive list of apps that are good for those who practice the ketogenic diet, since MyFitnessPal works on a higher level, and is not exactly specific in terms of dieting. Despite the fact that it’s not an app that’s specialized in ketogenic diets, unlike other apps on our list, MyFitnessPal makes an awesome candidate even if you plan on using it as a keto diet crutch of sorts.
What this app is excellent at is letting you take control of your goals in a streamlined, intuitive fashion. Whether it’s getting buffed, toning your body for the upcoming beach season, shedding some pounds to fit in your favorite pair of jeans or maintaining your weight, MyFitnessPal has got you covered. However, if you expect your journey to be all keto from the start to its very end, you may want to try other apps that are entirely specialized in the ketogenic diet.
MyFitnessPal combines healthy eating, calorie counting, and workouts to help you achieve your goals without significant efforts. Well, the no effort part goes as far as planning ahead is concerned, because using MyFitnessPal actually involves a certain level of effort that may have you come out of your comfort zone every now and then. However, if you’re serious about it, you’ll notice that MyFitnessPal splits everything into smaller checkpoints so that you can reach your ultimate goals without even noticing.
This app features a nifty food diary that can help you keep tabs on everything that you eat on a daily basis or otherwise. Long story short, whatever you eat, whether it’s a daily habit or a one-time happening, should go in the food diary so that by the end of the day you’ll have a pretty clear picture of the number of calories and macronutrients that you ingest. The app is very accurate in this regard, so you’ll know exactly how many calories you consumed from each meal, but also the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Logging each food may feel like a struggle even before you do it, but MyFitnessPal provides you with a plethora of options to log your activities, food items, and meals without spending too much time inside the app. For instance, you can scan the barcodes of brand products, and MyFitnessPal will automatically recognize the products and add them to your log.
Furthermore, you can save meals and recipes for later use, so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching for them, and focus on your weight-losing goals instead. MyFitnessPal comes with an outstanding collection that counts way over 11 million food items, all of which contain details such as serving size, nutritional values, and calorie count.
Another thing that makes MyFitnessPal stand out in the crowd is the fact that thanks to its popularity, it has great integration features with a lot of third-party apps. For instance, you can link MyFitnessPal with your Garmin app (and tracker or watch), Samsung Health, FitBit, Apple Health, and MapMyRun. There is huge potential considering that each app will contribute to creating an accurate virtual profile for you so that MyFitnessPal can help you customize your weight-losing plan to perfection.
The best part is that you don’t even need to do this alone: MyFitnessPal has an active community and can provide you with guidance and various advices, so you don’t feel like you’re all alone on your journey, regardless of what your goals are.
It’s worth mentioning that MyFitnessPal is essentially a free app, but it also offers a premium version of its services, so you can expect the free version to be quite limited in terms of features and functionality. The best part is that you can use the free version for as long as you like, as there’s absolutely no time limit.
Additionally, you can use a free 30-day premium trial that will allow you to test all of MyFitnessPal’s premium features, which can help you decide whether or not it would be a wise thing to invest in a monthly premium subscription plan.
You can easily use MyFitnessPal on any PC, Mac, or laptop with a working Internet connection and a supported web browser, or you can download and use it on your Android or iOS phones and tablets.
Best Keto Apps – CONCLUSION
To wrap things up, if you’ve just decided to shed some pounds or simply improve the quality of your life and discovered the ketogenic diet, you probably figured out already that keeping track of your macronutrients can be really difficult without proper assistance from specialized apps.
Sure, you may start a traditional pen-and-paper food journal, but mixing up the numbers is not unheard of, and it can be a real pain to keep reaching for the foods nutritional value label just to figure out how much protein you’ve already eaten, and how much more you can eat without going past your goals.
However, it’s been proven that using a dedicated keto app would not only help you manage your meal plans in a more streamlined and organized fashion, but could even help you reach your goals faster thanks to their user-focused extra features, advices, guides, and active communities (for the added support and motivation).
Using the apps included on our list could help you boost your morale, keep tabs on your daily calorie and macronutrients intake, but also log your workouts, keep track of how much water you’ve drunk, check the quality of your sleep, and help you understand better the changes that your body is going through while following the ketogenic diet.
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