RetroArch is an excellent utility that allows users to easily emulate a whole host of video game consoles as well as old computer systems to play video games. In this guide, we’ll be focusing on setting up RetroArch to play Nintendo NES games.
Step 1: RetroArch must be started for the first time to create the initial configuration file. Look through your application menu for “RetroArch” and launch it. Then, close the window.
Step 2: Open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, open up the RetroArch configuration file in the Nano text editor.
nano -w ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
Or, for Flatpak:
nano -w ~/.var/app/org.libretro.RetroArch/config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
Step 3: Press the End button on the keyboard to tell Nano to jump to the very bottom of the configuration file. Then, press the Enter key to make a new line.
ステップ4: Nano内のキーボードでCtrl + Wを押し ます。このアクションにより、検索機能が起動します。次に、検索ボックスに「menu_show_core_updater」と入力し、Enterキーを押し ます。Enterキーを押すと、Nanoはテキストファイルのコアアップデータ行に移動します。
menu_show_core_updater = "true"
ステップ5:キーボードのCtrl + O を押して、Nanoテキストエディターで編集内容を構成ファイルに保存します 。その後、Ctrl + Xを押してテキストエディタを終了します 。
NES ROMを処理するには、NESコアをダウンロードする必要があります。そうしないと、RetroArchがNESゲームを正しくロードできない場合があります。ありがたいことに、RetroArchは非常にユーザーフレンドリーで、コアは簡単にダウンロードできます。NESコアを入手するには、RetroArchアプリを開き、以下の手順に従ってください。
ステップ1: RetroArchメニューでエイリアンのアイコンを見つけます。次に、キーボードの下矢印 キーを使用 して、エイリアンアイコンメニューの「オンラインアップデータ」に移動します。
ステップ2:メニューで[オンラインアップデータ]オプションを見つけたら、Enter キーを押して 、RetroArchの[コアアップデータ]領域にアクセスします。
Step 3: In the “Content Downloader” area, there are many different console choices to choose from. Using the Down Arrow on the keyboard, sort through the list and locate “NES / Famicom (QuickNES)” entry, and press the Enter key on the keyboard to download it.
Don’t want to use “NES / Famicom (QuickNES)” as your default NES core in RetroArch? Select one of the other NES / Famicom core choices available. Each of them works quite well in RetroArch and will emulate your favorite NES roms decently.
With the NES core downloaded, move on to the next section of the guide.
Play NES games in RetroArch
To play NES games in RetroArch with your newly downloaded NES / Famicom emulator core, follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Step 1: Using the keys on the keyboard, make your way to the alien icon in RetroArch.
Step 2: Locate the “Load Content” option with the Down Arrow. Then, press the Enter key on the keyboard to access RetroArch’s content loading function.
Step 3: In the “Load Content” area in RetroArch, use the Down Arrow to select the “Settings” option.
Inside of the “Settings” area for “Load Content,” find the option “Filter unknown extensions” and turn the slider off. With this setting enabled, RetroArch may hide your NES ROM files, making them unable to be loaded with “Load Content.”
Step 4: Press the Backspace key on the keyboard to exit the settings area of “Load Content.” Then, find “Start Directory.” From here, browse to find the folder in which your NES ROM files are located on your Linux system.
Step 5: Select the ROM file you’d like to play in RetroArch with the Down and Up Arrow keys.
Step 6: Once you’ve found the NES ROM file you’d like to play, press the Enter key to reveal options for the ROM. Then, choose your NES / Famicom core.
Upon selecting your core, RetroArch will load the game! Enjoy!
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