如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

OSMC is a media player operating system based on the Kodi media center. Its purpose is to make an easy to use, easy to understand entertainment interface for watching TV, Movies, and other types of media. Currently, OSMC is supported on Raspberry Pi, PC, and other types of hardware. In this guide, we’ll go over how to set up OSMC on Raspberry Pi.

Download OSMC for Raspberry Pi

OSMC for Raspberry Pi must be downloaded from the developer’s website before it can be set up on an SD card. To get your copy of OSMC for the Raspberry Pi, head over to the official website, click on “Download,” and find the release for the Raspberry Pi you use.

Note: OSMC does not yet support the Raspberry Pi 4. As of now, the OS only supports Raspberry Pi 1,2,3, and Zero.

Don’t want to go to the official website to download OSMC to your computer? If you’re downloading the OSMC image on a Linux PC, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, use the wget downloading tool to grab the OSMC release image through the command-line.

Pi 2/3/3+

cd ~/Downloads

wget https://download.osmc.tv/installers/diskimages/OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20190808.img.gz

Pi 1/Zero/Zero Wireless

cd ~/Downloads

wget https://download.osmc.tv/installers/diskimages/OSMC_TGT_rbp1_20190808.img.gz

After downloading your copy of OSMC to your computer, do not extract the TarGZ archive. Instead, keep it in the file and move on to the next step in the setup process.

Install OSMC on SD Card

To set up OSMC on an SD card, you must burn the files to an SD card. To burn an SD card on a computer, you’ll need to download an SD card imaging tool.

There are many good SD card imaging tools available to use. In this guide, we will use Etcher, as the app works on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Also, it is dead simple to use, meaning anyone can figure out how to use it.

要創建您的 OSMC SD 卡,請按照以下分步說明進行操作。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 1 步:前往Etcher.io,將 Etcher SD/USB 成像應用程序下載到您的 Linux、Mac 或 Windows 計算機,並安裝該應用程序。

第 2 步:在您的計算機桌面上啟動 Etcher 應用程序。然後,當應用程序打開時,將您的 SD 卡插入讀卡器端口。

步驟3: 在Etcher應用程序中找到“選擇圖像”按鈕並點擊該按鈕。選擇此按鈕將打開文件瀏覽器對話框。使用文件瀏覽器找到你之前下載的 OSMC TarGZ 鏡像文件,點擊它加載到 Etcher 中。

Step 4: Click on the “Select drive” button. Then, use the Etcher UI to select your SD card so that the Etcher application will use it as the imaging device.

Step 5: Find the “Flash!” button, and click it with the mouse. This button will start the SD card imaging process. Be patient!

When Etcher is done, safely eject the SD card from your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer. Then, plug in the SD card into the Raspberry Pi, power it on, and follow the steps below to learn how to set up OSMC.

Set up OSMC on Raspberry Pi

Setting up OSMC on the Raspberry Pi is a very straightforward process, thanks to its streamlined installation wizard. To get it going, follow the steps below.

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 1 步:在“歡迎”屏幕上,您需要選擇您的語言。使用鼠標、遙控器或其他指點設備,選擇您希望 OSMC 界面使用的語言。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 2 步:在下一頁上,OSMC 會要求您設置設備名稱。選擇“當前名稱”並將其從“osmc”更改為您想命名的新 Raspberry Pi 媒體設備。然後,單擊“接受”按鈕繼續。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 3 步: 在“主機名”部分之後,OSMC 會詢問您是否要啟用SSH 支持。此功能將允許您遠程訪問 Raspberry Pi 3 媒體服務。如果您需要此功能,請選中此框。否則,跳過它並單擊“接受”。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 4 步:在“SSH”部分之後,OSMC 將在屏幕上顯示軟件許可證。通讀它,然後單擊“繼續”以接受它。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 5 步:在“網絡”部分,在獲得軟件許可後,OSMC 會要求設置網絡。使用該界面,配置您的網絡連接。如果連接失敗,您可能需要稍後手動執行此操作。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 6 步:一旦 OSMC 安裝連接到互聯網,您將被帶到“外觀 + 感覺”區域。在這裡,您將被指示選擇您最喜歡的 OSMC 皮膚。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

第 7 步:選擇皮膚後,OSMC 會詢問您是否要註冊時事通訊。選擇“不,謝謝”。或者,如果您想跟上 OSMC 的發展,請選擇“當然,註冊我”選項。

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

處理完時事通訊設置後,OSMC 將加載並準備使用!

如何在樹莓派上安裝 OSMC

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