如何在 macOS 上錄製揚聲器輸出

如何在 macOS 上錄製揚聲器輸出

在 macOS 上錄製音頻或視頻非常簡單。兩者都有開箱即用的工具,並且您可以使用許多很棒的第三方應用程序,例如 Audacity 和 OpenBroadcasterStudio。也就是說,這些應用程序都不能記錄揚聲器輸出。這樣做超出了普通甚至高級錄音應用程序的範圍,因為您需要更改音頻的路由方式。您需要的是一個虛擬音頻驅動程序。您可以使用的最簡單的一種稱為BlackHole。它可以將音頻重新路由到一個應用程序,然後您可以使用該應用程序來記錄揚聲器輸出。這是它的工作原理。



Go to the Sound preference and you will see a tab for Output, and Input devices. On each tab, select the BlackHole device. What this does is, it sends audio that is being played to Blackhole. This audio can be heard by the input device which is again BlackHole. Between the two virtual input and output devices, there will be zero noise and one will be able to listen to the other. Close System Preferences.

如何在 macOS 上錄製揚聲器輸出

Open an app that can record audio. You can use QuickTime since it’s already on your system but for a good audio app, I recommend using Audacity. Create a new audio recording but change the input device to BlackHole. All recording apps allow you to choose an audio input and output device.

如何在 macOS 上錄製揚聲器輸出

Click record, and any sound that is routed to the speaker will be recorded. You won’t hear any sound yourself since the built-in speakers aren’t receiving any. If you’d like to hear sound from the built-in speakers as well, or maybe you have a Bluetooth speaker you’d like to hear the sound from, you can create an aggregate audio device.

Creating an aggregate audio device is a bit complicated but the app for the job is already present on your Mac so you won’t have to download anything. Ideally, the aggregate device should still give you good audio quality but, to be safe you should do a test recording to see if it picks up any noise or static. If it does, limit yourself to just using BlackHole.



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