Que signifie FR : Connaître la signification de lacronyme
Si vous aimez envoyer des SMS ou discuter, vous devez avoir rencontré le terme fr. Lisez sur ce blog pour savoir ce que signifie fr.
One of the most important tools in the fight against COVID-19 is testing. Tests need to be conducted on the general population, and the more tests that are done, the better the pandemic can be controlled. Unfortunately, this isn’t easy. This is a brand new virus and test kits for it have had to be developed. In the 3-4 months since the virus has spread, there has been significant improvement in how efficient a test is, and production has been ramped up. While there are more testing kits available today than there were a month ago, the world is collectively short. As such, the tests are only being conducted when there is a high chance of someone being infected.
This begs the question of when to get tested for COVID-19. Apple has released an online tool that helps you determine whether or not you should get tested. If you’re worried you’re showing symptoms, try the tool out.
About the tool
Apple’s COVID-19 tool is an online tool which means anyone, on any sort of device, can use it. The suggestions give you a course of action on whether or not you should get tested, or if you should self-isolate, among other things. They are consistent with what the CDC in USA recommends. If you live in a country where mass tests are being done, and everyone is being encouraged to get tested, you should follow your local guidelines over this tool’s suggestions. Get tested if a test is available.
Apple COVID-19 screening tool
Visitez l'outil dans n'importe quel navigateur Web. Il est optimisé pour les navigateurs mobiles. Cliquez sur le bouton « Démarrer le dépistage ».
L'outil vous posera une série de questions. Ces questions sont du même type de questions que celles qui vous seront posées si vous appeliez la ligne d'assistance nationale COVID-19 de votre région.
Plus précisément, l'outil vous demande si vous ou quelqu'un d'autre présentez l'un des cinq symptômes de stade avancé, auquel cas vous êtes encouragé à demander de l'aide immédiatement. Sinon, il demandera,
Once you’ve gone through the questions, the tool will advise you on what the best course of action is. You can still call your local helpline or hospital. They will likely ask you these same questions and provide a similar course of action.
Remember that even if you are not eligible for a test, you still need to remain in lockdown and socially distance yourself. You may not be sick but you could be a carrier nevertheless and you might infect others who are more vulnerable to the disease. Wash your hands regularly, and use hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
Si vous aimez envoyer des SMS ou discuter, vous devez avoir rencontré le terme fr. Lisez sur ce blog pour savoir ce que signifie fr.
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