Web 瀏覽器錯誤會發生在所有用戶身上,但大多數都可以通過幾個簡單的步驟來解決。例如,谷歌瀏覽器經常因 DNS 解析器、互聯網連接設置或與其他已安裝軟件程序衝突的各種問題而停止工作



任何包含DNS 的瀏覽器錯誤都是指 DNS 解析器的問題,該解析器負責通過將您在地址欄中鍵入的域名轉換為 IP 地址來查找網站。

NXDOMAIN表示不存在的域。因此,通過將兩者結合,DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 意味著您的 DNS 解析器無法識別網站,因為其域不存在。


DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 伴隨著無法訪問此站點錯誤,以及建議在嘗試訪問網站之前檢查拼寫錯誤的額外消息。它僅顯示在基於 Chrome 和 Chromium 的 Web 瀏覽器中,例如 Microsoft Edge 或 Opera。

在 Firefox 上,同樣的錯誤消息說嗯。我們在查找該站點時遇到問題


同時,Microsoft Edge 顯示嗯……無法訪問此頁面。


Safari 顯示Safari Can't Find the Server。DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤在 Android 上很少見。相反,您可能會看到ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED消息。



最簡單的辨別方法是使用任何 whois 服務:在 Google 上搜索whois,訪問 whois 網站,輸入您嘗試訪問的域的名稱,然後查看結果。特別注意創建和到期日期。



如果此時您仍然在 Google Chrome 上遇到 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤消息,請繼續執行以下解決方案。

1. 使用其他網絡瀏覽器

如果 Google Chrome 是您最喜歡的瀏覽器,我們並不是說您應該放棄它。但是,如果您可以通過轉向其他瀏覽器來訪問有問題的網站,那麼至少您會知道 Chrome 存在問題。在這種情況下,您可以縮小可能的問題列表並專注於修復 Chrome。

2. 嘗試訪問其他網站

通過在 Chrome 的地址欄中輸入其他網站的域名,了解您是否可以訪問其他網站非常重要。因為,如果所有頁面都拒絕加載,則您可能正在處理有關 Internet 連接或設備設置的更大問題。


您當前使用的 Internet 連接可能不再有效。或者 Wi-Fi 信號太差而無法加載網站。如果您的路由器支持雙頻,請確保連接到 5 GHz Wi-Fi 網絡而不是 2 Ghz,因為信號更好。但是,您可能需要靠近路由器。

另一方面,連接到公共的、未加密的 Wi-Fi 網絡意味著與每個人共享帶寬,因此很自然地期望連接緩慢甚至可能觸發瀏覽器錯誤,例如 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN。

如果可能,請嘗試連接到 3G/4G 蜂窩數據,因為連接可能比 Wi-Fi 網絡更好。或者,從 3G/4G 切換到 Wi-Fi 模式,以防帶寬用完。


這聽起來很簡單,但通常有效。重新啟動您的台式機、筆記本電腦、智能手機或平板電腦可能足以擺脫 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤消息並再次訪問您喜歡的網站。

這樣做時,最好也重新啟動路由器以清除其緩存。只需找到路由器背面的小開關,按住它幾秒鐘,然後鬆開並等待您的 Internet 連接恢復。

5. 重新啟動您的網絡瀏覽器

關閉並重新啟動 Google Chrome 可能足以恢復互聯網訪問。只需確保在重新啟動應用程序之前關閉所有進程。

如何在 Windows 上正確重啟 Chrome:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + Esc打開任務管理器
  2. 留在進程選項卡中
  3. 查找並選擇 Google Chrome 的整個樹如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. 點擊結束任務
  5. 再次打開 Chrome

如何在 macOS 上正確重啟 Chrome:

  1. 選擇谷歌瀏覽器窗口
  2. 從左上角打開Apple菜單
  3. 選擇強制退出
  4. 再次啟動 Chrome

如何在 Android 上正確重啟 Chrome:

  1. 在您的 Android 設備上,轉到“設置”部分
  2. 選擇應用程序並點按Chrome
  3. 點擊強制停止
  4. 返回主屏幕並啟動 Chrome 應用

如何在 iOS 上正確重啟 Chrome:

  1. 從屏幕底部向上滑動並停在中間
  2. 向左或向右滑動以選擇Chrome
  3. 向上滑動至應用預覽以關閉應用
  4. 再次打開 Chrome 應用

6. 更新您的網絡瀏覽器

默認情況下,您的 Web 瀏覽器應在每次啟動時自動檢查更新。但是,如果由於某種原因未能這樣做,則由您來觸發更新並使瀏覽器加快速度。

如何在 Windows 和 macOS 上更新 Chrome:

  1. 啟動Chrome
  2. 從右上角打開更多菜單
  3. 選擇“幫助”並單擊“關於 Google Chrome”(或訪問chrome://settings/help如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Chrome 會自動檢查並應用任何更新如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. 完成後,重新啟動網絡瀏覽器
  6. 查看您是否可以訪問任何頁面

如何在 Android 上更新 Chrome:

  1. 啟動Play 商店應用
  2. 點按您的 Google 帳戶
  3. 從菜單中選擇我的應用和遊戲
  4. 更新,找到Chrome並點按更新
  5. 如果找不到,說明Chrome已經更新
  6. 打開 Chrome 並檢查 DNS 錯誤

如何在 iOS 上更新 Chrome:

  1. 啟動應用商店
  2. 找到Chrome並點按更新
  3. 如果顯示Open而不是Update,則表示該應用程序已經更新
  4. 立即啟動 Chrome 並檢查它的 DNS 問題


如果 Chrome 緩存已滿,這可能會導致頁面加載問題,甚至設備上的 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤。但是您可以通過清空 Chrome 站點數據和緩存來解決這個問題。

如何清除 Windows 和 macOS 上的 Chrome 緩存:

  1. 打開谷歌瀏覽器
  2. 單擊更多按鈕並選擇設置如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. 轉到隱私和安全
  4. 點擊清除瀏覽數據(或訪問chrome://settings/clearBrowserData如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. 基本選項卡中,將時間範圍設置為所有時間
  6. 檢查以下選項:
    • 瀏覽記錄
    • Cookie 和其他網站數據
    • 緩存的圖像和文件
  7. 點擊清除數據如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  8. 重啟 Chrome

如何清除 Android 和 iOS 上的 Chrome 緩存:

  1. 啟動 Chrome 應用
  2. 打開更多菜單並轉到歷史記錄
  3. 選擇清除瀏覽數據...
  4. 留在基本區域
  5. 檢查所有選項:
    • 瀏覽記錄
    • Cookie 和網站數據
    • 緩存的圖像和文件
  6. 點擊清除數據
  7. 重新啟動 Chrome 應用

8. 重置您的 DNS 設置

重置 DNS 配置的一種簡單有效的方法是清空 DNS 服務器緩存。這類似於清除瀏覽緩存,這有助於擺脫 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 等錯誤消息。

如何在 Windows 上重置 DNS 設置:

  1. 單擊開始按鈕,搜索命令提示符,然後啟動此應用程序
  2. 編寫以下命令(每行後按Enter 鍵):
    • ipconfig /flushdns

    • ipconfig /註冊DNS

    • ipconfig/發布

    • ipconfig /更新

    • netsh winsock 重置

  3. 退出 CMD 並重新啟動您的 PC
  4. 啟動 Chrome 並檢查錯誤

如何在 macOS 上重置 DNS 設置:

  1. 啟動終端應用程序
  2. 輸入sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder並點擊回車
  3. 如果出現提示,請輸入與您的管理員帳戶關聯的用戶名和密碼
  4. 重新啟動你的 Mac
  5. 立即打開 Chrome 並嘗試訪問網站

如何在 Android 和 iOS 上重置 DNS 設置:

  1. 轉到設置部分
  2. 選擇通用>重置
  3. 點擊重置網絡設置
  4. 啟動 Chrome 並檢查錯誤

在 Android 或 iOS 上刷新 DNS 配置的另一種方法是重新啟動設備或切換飛行模式。您還可以打開 Chrome 應用程序,訪問chrome://net-internals/#dns,然後單擊清除主機緩存按鈕。

9.重啟DNS Client服務

如果DNS 服務器在您的 Windows PC 上沒有響應,您可以重新啟動負責解析和緩存域名的 DNS 客戶端服務。在修復 Chrome 和其他基於 Chromium 的 Web 瀏覽器中的 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤時,值得嘗試此解決方案。

如何重新啟動 DNS 客戶端服務:

  1. 單擊“開始”按鈕,搜索“服務”,然後打開此應用
  2. 找到並雙擊DNS Client以訪問其屬性如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. 啟動類型設置為自動
  4. 如果服務當前已停止,請單擊“啟動”
  5. 單擊應用並退出
  6. 啟動 Chrome 並檢查結果

如果您無法單擊 DNS 客戶端按鈕,請使用下一個解決方案:

  1. Windows鍵,搜索Registry Editor,然後啟動此工具
  2. 通過複製並粘貼以下行轉到下一個位置:


  3. 在註冊表項列表中,雙擊開始如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. 值數據設置為2,將基數設置十六進制
  5. 單擊確定如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  6. 退出服務並重新啟動 Chrome
  7. 檢查任何其他錯誤

10. 更改您的 DNS 服務器

如果刷新您的 DNS 服務器並重新啟動 DNS 客戶端服務不起作用,那麼您的 DNS 解析器可能不再正常工作。在這種情況下,您應該將 DNS 服務器更改為更可靠的服務器

例如,您可以使用Google 提供DNS 服務器,因為它們免費、安全且快速。

如何在 Windows 10 上使用 Google DNS:

  1. 右鍵單擊“開始”按鈕並轉到“網絡連接”
  2. 高級網絡設置中,單擊更改適配器選項如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. 右鍵單擊您的 Internet 連接並選擇屬性(您需要管理員權限)如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. 網絡選項卡中,雙擊Internet 協議版本 4 (TCP/IPv4)以訪問其屬性如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. 常規區域中,選擇使用以下 DNS 服務器地址
  6. 首選 DNS 服務器中,鍵入8.8.8.8
  7. 備用 DNS 服務器設置為8.8.4.4如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  8. 退出時啟用驗證設置,然後單擊確定
  9. 啟動 Chrome 並檢查錯誤

如何在 macOS 上使用 Google DNS:

  1. 打開Apple菜單並轉到系統偏好設置
  2. 選擇網絡並單擊高級
  3. 切換到DNS區域
  4. 點擊+
  5. Click it again to also add
  6. Press OK and exit to the desktop
  7. Fire up Chrome to inspect results

How to use Google DNS on Android:

  1. On your Android device, select Settings
  2. Go to Network & Internet
  3. Tap Advanced > Private DNS
  4. Select Configure Private DNS
  5. Type dns.google and exit to the home screen
  6. Open the Chrome app and check for DNS errors

How to use Google DNS on iOS:

  1. Using your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings
  2. Open Wi-Fi
  3. Find your network and tap i to view properties
  4. Select DNS and type,
  5. Exit to the home screen
  6. Launch the Chrome app and check for issues

11. Run the Internet Connections troubleshooter

Windows 10 comes with an internal troubleshooter to fix common Internet connection issues. It’s worth a shot if you’re looking for a fast and easy way to resolve the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error in your Chromium-based web browser.

  1. Press the Win key, search for Settings, and open this app
  2. Select Update & Security如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Jump to Troubleshoot on the left
  4. Click Additional troubleshooters如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Select Internet Connections and click Run the troubleshooter如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  6. Follow the on-screen steps and apply any fixes. You might be asked to restart your computer
  7. Open the web browser and try to access a domain

12. Turn off Chrome extensions

Some web browser extensions can interfere with the way Chrome or your DNS resolver works, preventing pages from loading properly. It’s one of the reasons why you might get error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

To fix this problem, you should disable the guilty Chrome extensions. It can mean anything that controls your IP and DNS settings, like proxy and VPN extensions for Chrome.

How to disable Chrome extensions:

  1. Launch Google Chrome
  2. Open the More menu from the top-right corner
  3. Select More tools and click Extensions (or visit chrome://extensions)如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Click the slider button to deactivate extensions如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Restart Chrome and check for DNS errors

13. Disable your VPN or proxy

Since we’re discussing software applications capable of changing your IP and DNS configuration, such as VPN and proxy tools, it’s a good idea to turn them off at the system level.

If you have dedicated apps installed on Windows 10, macOS, Android, or iOS, you just have to switch them off. However, if you’re using the built-in device settings for VPN or proxy, here’s what you need to do.

How to disable VPN and proxy on Windows 10:

  1. Right-click the Start button and go to Network Connections
  2. Jump to VPN on the left side
  3. Disconnect any active VPN connections
  4. Switch to the Proxy area on the left
  5. Turn off Automatically detect settings and Use setup script如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  6. At the bottom of the window, also disable Use a proxy server如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  7. Launch Chrome and check for DNS errors

How to disable VPN and proxy on macOS:

  1. Open the Apple menu and select System Preferences
  2. Go to Network > VPN
  3. Click Disconnect if you have any active VPN connections
  4. Select your Internet connection and click Advanced
  5. Go to the Proxies area and disable all proxy settings
  6. Click OK
  7. Fire up Chrome and inspect results

How to disable VPN and proxy on Android:

  1. On your Android device, open the Settings menu
  2. Go to Network > VPN
  3. Disconnect any VPN entries
  4. Tap and hold your Internet connection to pick Modify network
  5. Select Show advanced options
  6. At Proxy, select None
  7. Open the Chrome app and try to access a webpage

How to disable VPN and proxy on iOS:

  1. Open the Settings area
  2. Go to General > VPN
  3. Make sure to deactivate any VPN connections
  4. Select your Wi-Fi and access advanced settings
  5. At HTTP Proxy, select Off
  6. Launch the Chrome app and check for issues

14. Restore Chrome to default

Any number of customized browser settings can change the way Chrome connects to the Internet. Your safest bet is to restore the Chrome options to default.

How to reset Chrome on Windows and macOS:

  1. Launch the Chrome app and open the More menu
  2. Go to Settings > Advanced如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. At Reset and clean up, click Restore settings to their original defaults (or visit chrome://settings/reset)如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Click Reset settings to confirm如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Restart the browser and check for DNS errors

How to reset Chrome on Android:

  1. Open the Settings menu of your Android device
  2. Go to Apps
  3. Locate and select Chrome
  4. Tap Storage > Manage storage
  5. Tap Clear all data and OK to confirm
  6. Open the Chrome app and check for DNS issues

How to reset Chrome on iOS:

  1. Open the Chrome app on your iPhone or iPad
  2. Go to the Settings menu and tap Privacy
  3. Select Clear Browsing Data
  4. Choose all items from the list
  5. Tap Clear Browsing Data to confirm
  6. Restart the Chrome app and check for DNS errors

15. Reinstall Chrome

If restoring the Chrome settings to default won’t fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on your device, you should reinstall the web browser.

How to reinstall Chrome on Windows 10:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager
  2. In the Processes tab, select Chrome and click End task如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Right-click the Start button to select Apps and Features如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Select Google Chrome and click Uninstall如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Proceed with the removal steps
  6. Download Chrome from the official website
  7. Install Chrome as usual, launch it, and check for DNS errors

How to reinstall Chrome on macOS:

  1. Select the Google Chrome window
  2. Open the Apple menu and click Force Quit
  3. Using the Finder app, find Chrome and drag it to the Trash
  4. If asked, enter your admin username and password to confirm
  5. Select Empty Trash to eliminate Chrome from your Mac
  6. Download Chrome from the official website
  7. Set up the web browser and try to access webpages now

How to reinstall Chrome on Android:

  1. Open Play Store
  2. Locate Chrome and tap Uninstall
  3. Reboot your Android
  4. Using Play Store, find Chrome and tap Install

How to reinstall Chrome on iOS:

  1. On your home screen, tap and hold Chrome
  2. Select Remove App and then Delete App
  3. Tap Delete to confirm
  4. Using the App Store, locate Chrome and tap the cloud symbol to install it

16. Stick to the Chrome Stable channel

You can try many release channels of Chrome when using the application to navigate the Internet: Stable, Beta, Developer, and Canary. However, you should stick to the Stable channel if you don’t want unexpected surprises like error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

Although the other release channels give you access to new and exciting features, they aren’t as reliable as the Stable channel. It’s the one officially available for download on the Google website.

On the other hand, you should know that it’s possible to also have the other versions of Chrome installed separately from the Stable version if you’re keen on testing the latest trends.

17. Downgrade Chrome

Older OS editions like Windows XP don’t officially support the latest Google Chrome update, so you should expect browsing issues and error codes like DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN when trying to go online.

In that cases, it’s safer to downgrade Chrome to an older version that still works with your obsolete operating system. Before doing so, however, it’s necessary to stop Chrome from automatically updating itself. Here are the complete steps for Windows.

How to disable Chrome auto-updates:

  1. Press Win key + R, type services.msc, and press Enter to open Services如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  2. Find Google Update Service (gupdate) in the list of services如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Double-click this entry to view its properties
  4. Set Startup type to Disabled
  5. Click Apply and return to the main window如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  6. 同時找到並雙擊Google 更新服務 (gupdatem)以訪問其屬性如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  7. 啟動類型設置為禁用
  8. 單擊應用並退出服務如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)

如何卸載 Chrome:

  1. Win鍵 + R,輸入appwiz.cpl,然後按Enter以訪問控制面板中的程序和功能添加/刪除程序如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  2. 找到Google Chrome,右鍵單擊它,然後選擇卸載
  3. 繼續執行卸載嚮導步驟

如何安裝舊版 Chrome:

Older versions of Chrome are not available for download on the official website since Google can’t guarantee the security of your computer. But you can track down old Chrome on mirror websites like SlimJet.

Be careful when downloading files from third-party, unknown sources because Google can’t guarantee their safety. Make sure that your computer’s security solution is up to date.

18. Check for malware

If your device was recently infected with malware, it’s possible that the attack damaged essential files used by the DNS resolver of Google Chrome. As a result, you keep seeing the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error code on your screen.

However, you can turn to Chrome’s built-in malware detection tool for help (previously known as Chrome Cleanup Tool).

How to remove malware with Chrome:

  1. Launch Google Chrome
  2. Open the More menu and go to Settings如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Advanced
  4. At Reset and clean up, click Clean up computer (or visit chrome://settings/cleanup)如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. At Find harmful software, click Find如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  6. Allow Chrome to find and remove any malware
  7. Restart the web browser and check for DNS errors

If Chrome’s integrated security tool doesn’t solve anything, you can turn to Windows Defender unless you have a third-party anti-malware application installed on your Windows 10 PC.

How to remove malware with Windows Defender:

  1. Press the Win key, search for Windows Security, and launch this app如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  2. Select Virus & threat protection如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Click Scan options如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Choose Quick scan and click Scan now如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. If the malware search doesn’t return any results, run another scan using Windows Defender Offline scan mode
  6. Restart your PC
  7. Fire up Chrome and check for errors

On macOS, iOS, and Android, you have to use a third-party security solution to find and remove malicious threats.

19. Run a ping test

When trying to access a particular website using Google Chrome, you should run a ping test to check the connection strength between your computer and the remote server. It helps you find out if the Internet connection is too slow or doesn’t get established at all.

On Windows and macOS, it’s not necessary to install third-party ping tools since you can use the console environments. However, there’s no way to avoid this on Android or iOS. We’re using the Google website as an example below.

How to use the ping command on Windows 10:

  1. Press Win key + R, type cmd, and press Enter to launch Command Prompt
  2. To ping Google, type ping google.com and hit Enter
  3. Patiently wait while the ping test is carried out
  4. At Ping statistics, take note of the % loss如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)

How to use the ping command on macOS:

  1. Go to Applications and select Utilities
  2. Open the Terminal app
  3. Type ping google.com and hit Return
  4. After the ping test completes, take note of the packet loss (at Server ping statistics)

The amount of packet loss tells you everything there is to know about the Internet connection to the server. 0% packet loss means that the connection is perfect, while 100% packet loss indicates that your computer can’t reach the remote server at all. Anything lower than 100% packet loss tells you the the Internet connection works but isn’t at full capacity.

20. Check your Hosts file

The Hosts file contains TCP/IP information about how your computer communicates with other websites. If you can’t access a specific webpage in Chrome and get the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error instead, you should check if the page is blocked and then edit it in the Hosts file.

In case it is, you just have to delete its line. Here’s how to make it happen on Windows PC:

  1. Open Windows Explorer (press Win key + E)
  2. Go to the next destination:


  3. Select and copy the hosts file to create a backup of the current configuration如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Open the hosts file in a text editor with administrative rights (like Notepad)
  5. Locate any lines of text that mention the website you’re attempting to visit in Chrome. For example, if you can’t go to Google, look for any lines containing google.com
  6. Delete those lines and press Ctrl + S to save the new Hosts file如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  7. Exit the text editor and launch Google Chrome
  8. Try to access that website now

21. Visit websites by IP address

An alternative way to visit a website is by entering its IP address instead of domain. It’s an easy workaround for resolving the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error in Chrome if it was caused by a faulty DNS resolver.

However, you first need to discover the IP address of the domain. The easiest way to do this on Windows is by turning to Command Prompt and using the ping command. On macOS, you can use the ping command in the Terminal app to achieve the same results.

In the example below, we’re trying to find out the IP address of Google: ping google.com. As you can tell from the screenshot, Google’s IP address is revealed in square brackets.如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)

The only condition is for the ping command to return anything below 100% packet loss (at Ping statistics). Otherwise, your PC won’t be able to tell you the IP address of a domain that’s currently down or doesn’t exist.

Next, copy the IP address by selecting it in Command Prompt and pressing Enter. You can now launch Google Chrome to paste the IP address in the address bar and hit the Enter key.


23. Disable third-party antivirus tools

If you have a third-party anti-malware solution installed, it might have an incorrect default configuration that conflicts with Google Chrome, resulting in error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. It usually applies to free security programs, which are mostly unreliable.

But you should be able to resolve this problem by temporarily turning off your antivirus application to check if Google Chrome works. If you can’t disable it, then we suggest removing the application from Apps and Features on Windows 10, or by dragging it to the Trash on macOS.

24. Check for system updates

An obsolete operating system can harm all your installed applications, including Google Chrome. If you haven’t updated Windows 10, macOS, iOS, or Android for a long time, you shouldn’t postpone it any longer since it could be the reason why you receive error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

How to update Windows 10:

  1. Press the Win key, type Check for updates, and press Enter如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  2. Windows should start looking for updates automatically. If it doesn’t, click Check for updates如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. If there are any pending updates that don’t start downloading right away, click Download如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Wait until your operating system updates itself. It might take a while
  5. Restart your computer and try to use Chrome now

How to update macOS:

  1. Open the Apple menu and select Software Update
  2. Mac will begin installing any system updates it finds
  3. When it’s done, restart the computer
  4. Open the Chrome app and see if it works now

How to update Android:

  1. Make sure that your Android device is charged
  2. Go to Settings > System > Advanced
  3. Tap System Update and wait
  4. Reboot your Android and try to use Chrome now

How to update iOS:

  1. Your iPhone or iPad should have a full battery
  2. Visit Settings > General > Software Update
  3. Tap Download and Install
  4. If there isn’t enough free disk space, iOS will ask for permission to temporarily remove some apps to make room. Tap Continue since the apps will be added back later
  5. Tap Install and authorize the update by using your passcode or fingerprint
  6. Restart iOS
  7. Start the Chrome app and check for DNS errors

25. Check the network drivers

Your network device might not be properly installed into your PC, especially if you’re using a new piece of hardware like a Wi-Fi adapter with plug-and-play features. But you can easily quickly reinstall the device to fix this issue.

How to reinstall the network device on Windows:

  1. Click the Start button, search for Device Manager, and open this app
  2. Extend the Network adapters group
  3. Select your network interface, right-click it, and select Uninstall device如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Open the Action menu and click Scan for hardware changes如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Restart your PC. Windows will automatically reinstall the missing adapter
  6. Launch Chrome and try to access a webpage now

It’s also possible that your network driver is outdated, causing web browsing errors and hampering your Internet navigation experience overall.

How to update the network drivers on Windows:

  1. Return to Device Manager
  2. Right-click your network adapter and select Update driver如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Click Search automatically for updated driver software如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. If it doesn’t find anything, click Search for updated drivers on Windows Update. However, if you have already used Windows Update, then you can skip this step如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions
  6. Restart your PC and try to use Chrome now

Alternatively, you can manually download the latest network driver and install it on your PC. But, if you don’t want to risk getting an incompatible driver, you should turn to a driver update application. Besides, it can help you update all your drivers at once.

On macOS, just follow the steps in a previous solution we described to update the operating system.

If you have accidentally installed an incompatible network driver, then you should roll back to the previous version in order to avoid web browsing issues.

How to roll back the network driver on Windows:

  1. Go to Device Manager
  2. Right-click your network adapter and select Properties
  3. Switch to the Driver tab
  4. Click Roll Back Driver and follow the instructions. If the button’s greyed out, you can’t perform the rollback, so you might as well skip this step
  5. Restart your PC and check for DNS errors in Chrome

26. Check IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity

It’s a good idea to check the IPv4 and IPv6 settings of your computer. Some users have reported that, although their ISP doesn’t support IPv6 connections, having IPv6 mode enabled on their PC has caused network connectivity issues. So you should turn off IPv6 to stay on the safe side.

How to check IPv4 and IPv6 on Windows 10:

  1. Click the network icon in the system tray and select Network & Internet settings
  2. Click Change adapter options如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  3. Select your Internet connection, right-click it, and go to Properties (you need elevation rights)如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  4. Remain in the Networking tab
  5. Check the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) box
  6. Uncheck the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) box如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  7. Click OK and exit
  8. Fire up Chrome and try to access a webpage now

27. More ways to improve your Internet connection

Here are some suggestions to help make your Internet connection faster and get rid of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error in Google Chrome:

  • Exit all applications with Internet access that you’re not currently using (except Chrome), such as torrenting clients, gaming platforms like Steam, and other web browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge
  • If your router has dual-band support, connect to the 5 Ghz Wi-Fi network
  • Move your desktop, tablet, smartphone or tablet closer to the router to get a better signal
  • Disconnect other devices from your Wi-Fi network
  • On desktops and tablets, switch to wired mode
  • On tablets and smartphones, toggle Wi-Fi and 4G mobile data mode

28. Use Google Translate

A nifty trick to access a website that’s blocking your connection due to your DNS resolver is to turn to Google Translate. The online service is capable of translating entire webpages. Since you’re using Google as a proxy to reach a specific domain, your IP won’t be blocked by that website anymore. Keep in mind that it only works if the website is not down.

Here’s an example:

  1. Go to Google Translate
  2. Type or paste the website you’re trying to access
  3. Set the preferred language in the translated area
  4. Click the button that opens a new tab如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)
  5. View and navigate the website in Google Translate如何修復 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 錯誤(完整指南)

29. Use a premium VPN service

We previously mentioned that you should disable your VPN service to get rid of the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. However, that only applies to free applications that are poorly built and offer only basic protection. Using a premium VPN service is different, and we can’t think of a finer example than NordVPN. We think it’s the best VPN that checks all the boxes.


Visit nordvpn.com

NordVPN has a built-in DNS resolver that speeds up your Internet connection, prevents your DNS queries from getting hijacked, and helps you access blocked websites. It also has support for custom DNS servers if you prefer using something else. However, keep in mind that its DNS resolver comes into effect only after connecting to a VPN server.

Furthermore, NordVPN is capable of unblocking streaming services like Netflix. It supports all popular platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Plus, it allows up to six simultaneous connections. You can even set it up on your router to share VPN access and DNS features with all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Lastly, a premium subscription comes with support for a Smart DNS service, which you can use to watch Netflix on devices without native VPN support, such as PS4, PS5 or Xbox One. You can read all about this awesome service in our NordVPN review.


To review, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN is an error message that pops on Chrome and other Chromium-based web browsers like Microsoft Edge or Opera. It can happen on any platform, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. The error prevents your browser from accessing webpages due to DNS issues, but you can fix it.

For example, try accessing other websites, using another web browser, or connecting to a different network. You should also restart your device, router and browser application, update your operating system and web browser, clear browser cache, reset your DNS settings, and restart the DNS Client service.

It’s also a good idea to change your DNS servers, run the Internet Connections troubleshooter, disable Chrome extensions, VPN and proxy tools, restore Chrome to its default configuration, reinstall the web browser, use the Chrome stable channel, or downgrade Chrome if you’re running an obsolete Windows version.

Furthermore, you should check your device for malware, run a ping test, review your Hosts file, visit websites by IP address instead of domain, disable any third-party antivirus utilities, check the network driver, IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity, take additional steps toward speeding up your Internet connection, use Google Translate as a proxy, and use a premium VPN service with proprietary DNS servers like NordVPN.

Did these solutions help repair error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on your device? Did we miss anything important? Leave us a comment in the section below and tell us more.

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