如何在 iOS 上創建和命名 iMessage 群組

如何在 iOS 上創建和命名 iMessage 群組

iMessage 僅限於 Apple 設備;如果您有 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac,則可以發送和接收 iMessage。如果沒有,您將不得不堅持使用簡單的短信。iMessages 可以讓你發送比普通短信更多功能豐富的消息,而且你可以創建整個組來發送消息是理所當然的。以下是在 iOS 上創建和命名 iMessage 群組的方法。

iMessage groups can only include other contacts that use iMessages i.e., those that own an Apple device that supports iMessage, and have iMessages enabled.

Create iMessage group

There’s no dedicated button for creating an iMessage group. Instead, you have one button for creating a new message. Tap it, and in the ‘To:’ field, enter everyone you want to send a message to. Enter the message, and send it. This will create a group and everyone included in the ‘To:’ field will be a part of it.

Since it’s a group message, all replies will appear in the group and will be visible to everyone else. By default, the group doesn’t get a name. It is represented simply by the number of people in it. It helps that the contact photo for those in the group is shown at the top but when you have one too many contacts in a group, this might become less relevant.

如何在 iOS 上創建和命名 iMessage 群組

Name iMessage group

You can name an iMessage group. To do so, open the group thread and tap the little arrow under the number of people. Tap the Info button and on the Details screen, you will see a ‘Name’ field. Tap it, and enter a name for the group. The name will be updated and you will see a notification within the thread telling you that the group’s name has been changed. You can change the name as many times as you want.

如何在 iOS 上創建和命名 iMessage 群組

There’s no concept of a group administrator in iMessages. You can create as many groups with the same people in it as you want. Even if you never rename a group, you’re still free to create multiple groups with the same people in it.


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