MyIPTV Player para Windows 10: cómo configurarlo y usarlo
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La necesidad de mantener la seguridad de su computadora en niveles óptimos es primordial, dado el aumento en el número de ciberataques, así como su creatividad, que parece no conocer límites.
Uno de los vectores más peligrosos que puede desestabilizar el buen funcionamiento de los sistemas informáticos en todo el mundo es el virus. El término se ha utilizado ampliamente para describir cualquier código malicioso que, cuando se ejecuta, puede dañarlo al realizar algunos cambios estructurales en el sistema que infecta.
Si solía gastar bromas a sus amigos, puede recordar los simples "virus" que podría escribir en el bloc de notas que eliminarían todo el contenido de la unidad C: \ del sistema de destino , eliminarían su carpeta System32 , abrirían su unidad de CD o crearían un número ilimitado de carpetas en la PC de destino.
Aunque a menudo se trataba de bromas no tan inofensivas, los virus modernos tienen un enfoque más sigiloso e incluso pueden usarse para infiltrarse en sistemas, otorgar al atacante algunos derechos inmerecidos sobre el sistema infectado o incluso robar datos valiosos.
Esa es precisamente la razón por la que las soluciones de software antivirus son una necesidad absoluta si desea mantener la integridad de su sistema lo más intacta posible. Aunque Windows tiene un antivirus incorporado que, en nuestra opinión, hace un gran trabajo, muchos usuarios prefieren invertir en soluciones más complejas.
¿Qué es TotalAV?
TotalAV es, como probablemente pueda descubrir por su nombre no tan sutil, un antivirus que podría ayudarlo a proteger su PC de agentes maliciosos como virus, malware, anuncios y muchas otras intrusiones similares.
Los usuarios a menudo confían en soluciones antivirus de terceros para reemplazar Windows Defender debido a las herramientas adicionales que les brindan. Hoy en día, las soluciones antivirus como TotalAV no solo lo ayudan a buscar archivos maliciosos en su PC y eliminarlos, sino que también pueden bloquear anuncios, escanear correos electrónicos, bloquear sitios web sospechosos, filtrar solicitudes sospechosas en su conexión, etc. adelante y lo que tienes.
Revisión de TotalAV
Según el sitio web oficial del producto, además de su solución básica de software de protección antivirus, TotalAV incluye una extensión de navegador que puede escanear sitios web en un santiamén e informarle si es seguro acceder a ellos.
Además, es posible que pueda instalarlo en una amplia gama de dispositivos, por lo que su PC con Windows no será la única protegida contra varios tipos de ciberataques. Pero llegaremos a eso lo suficientemente pronto y le contaremos más al respecto.
TotalAV precios van desde € 29 a € 59 por año, dependiendo del número de dispositivos que desea proteger y el número de opciones adicionales que desea tener. Los planes de precios son los siguientes:
Prueba gratuita de TotalAV
Aunque los usuarios que están preocupados por la seguridad de su computadora no dudarán en invertir grandes cantidades de dinero en los desarrolladores de antivirus para sus productos, todavía hay muchos que son escépticos y prefieren usar servicios gratuitos para el nivel mínimo absoluto de protección o confiar en los sistemas integrados de Windows. -en antivirus (que ya establecimos funciona muy bien).
Es precisamente por eso que las pruebas gratuitas son primordiales para demostrar la eficacia de su producto (desde el punto de vista de un desarrollador de antivirus) y permitir que los usuarios prueben las capacidades de su producto antes de comprometerse a comprar un plan de suscripción (ya que los pagos únicos están muy anticuados).
Afortunadamente, TotalAV comprende la importancia de que los usuarios finales prueben el producto y decidan si se ajusta a sus necesidades, así que, he aquí, hay una prueba gratuita que puede usar para probar el antivirus.
Como sabrá, existen principalmente dos formas de pruebas de software:
Vale la pena mencionar que TotalAV cae en la segunda categoría, ya que puede instalarlo y usarlo en su dispositivo de manera indefinida, pero solo tiene un par de funciones. Es decir, solo puede realizar análisis manuales en su dispositivo y eliminar cualquier malware que identifique el producto.
El resto de las funciones están escondidas, lo que lo tienta a comprar un plan premium, para que pueda tener la oportunidad de explorarlas.
Requisitos del sistema TotalAV
El objetivo de los sistemas antivirus es proporcionarle un paraguas generoso (metafórico, obviamente) donde pueda proteger tantos dispositivos como sea posible de los efectos dañinos de los ataques cibernéticos.
Por lo tanto, tiene sentido decir que una solución antivirus debería poder ejecutarse en tantos sistemas como sea posible, en lo que respecta al rendimiento, la arquitectura, el sistema operativo y el tipo de dispositivo.
Dicho esto, echemos un vistazo a los requisitos del sistema de TotalAV y veamos qué condiciones debe cumplir su dispositivo para ser elegible para ejecutar TotalAV. En primer lugar, vale la pena mencionar que puede instalar TotalAV en dispositivos Windows, Android, macOS, iOS y Fire HD. Por lo tanto, verifiquemos los requisitos para los sistemas mencionados anteriormente:
Requisitos del sistema de Windows:
Requisitos del sistema macOS:
Requisitos del sistema Android:
Requisitos del sistema iOS:
Instalación de TotalAV
Ahora que hemos resuelto los requisitos del sistema, debe saber si su sistema puede manejar TotalAV y estar listo para instalarlo si lo hace. El proceso de instalación no es complicado en absoluto, independientemente del dispositivo en el que lo esté implementando.
Lo guiaremos a través del proceso de instalación en Windows y también le ofreceremos breves descripciones de los procedimientos de configuración de Android, Mac e iOS.
Como puede ver, no es necesario realizar ninguna configuración adicional, ya que TotalAV ya implementa el paquete completo en su PC y utiliza uno de los dos destinos siguientes como ruta de destino predeterminada:
C:\Program Files\TotalAV
C:\Program Files (x86)\TotalAV
Una vez que se complete la instalación, TotalAV se iniciará automáticamente en su PC e intentará realizar un escaneo. Si compró un plan premium, puede usar sus credenciales para iniciar sesión en la aplicación y eliminar las limitaciones de la prueba.
Instalar la aplicación en Android e iOS es aún más simple, ya que no necesita descargar un paquete de instalación. Simplemente visite la página del producto de TotalAV en la Play Store de Google o la App Store de Apple, según el dispositivo en el que lo esté configurando, y toque el botón de instalación.
Después de un tiempo, la aplicación TotalAV debería estar lista para usar en su dispositivo, y puede acceder a ella a través del botón Play / App Store o tocando el ícono de la aplicación en el cajón / pantalla de inicio de su aplicación.
Para computadoras Mac, deberá visitar la página de descarga de Mac de TotalAV para iniciar el proceso de configuración. El enlace intentará descargar un paquete de instalación en su Mac, que deberá ubicar y abrir para comenzar la instalación de TotalAV.
La configuración de Mac es bastante similar a la de Windows, ya que es bastante intuitiva. La única diferencia notable es que en algún momento se le pedirá que escriba su contraseña de administrador para que TotalAV pueda continuar con la configuración (recuerde que los derechos de administrador eran uno de los requisitos del sistema para Mac).
Por último, pero no menos importante, si planea instalar TotalAV en su tableta Fire HD, deberá realizar varios pasos adicionales, ya que TotalAV no está incluido como una aplicación oficial en la tienda de aplicaciones de Amazon. Por lo tanto, deberá descargarlo descargando un archivo APK y continuar desde allí.
Aquí hay un pequeño truco: en PC con Windows, si está utilizando la versión de prueba de TotalAV e intenta desinstalarla, se le pedirá un mensaje promocional en el que puede continuar con la desinstalación de TotalAV o recibir todas las funciones PRO de forma gratuita. 7 días.
Al hacer clic en el botón Get Protected , se habilitarán automáticamente todas las funciones premium de TotalAV durante 7 días, y la mejor parte es que no es necesario que cree una cuenta o que proporcione la información de su tarjeta de crédito para beneficiarse de esta oferta.
Ejecuta un escaneo inicial automático
Although we’ve included the system requirements for all supported systems in our review and offered some details regarding the installation of TotalAV on additional devices, from this point on we’re going to focus on the Windows version of the product.
After the installation process comes to an end, you won’t need to launch TotalAV, as it will be already running at this point, asking you to either log in to your account or proceed with an initial scan.
The initial scan doesn’t go on for long, but it will definitely annoy you with all of its intrusions. During the scan, TotalAV will throw all sorts of pop-ups your way; some of them may only serve to let you know about the program’s findings, while others may flaunt features you’re not able to use in the free trial.
If you’ve already purchased a premium subscription, you shouldn’t get these interruptions. However, if you’ve used our little trick to get the 7-day full trial, you’ll still get the occasional reminder that your PRO features will expire soon, which shouldn’t take long to get on your nerves.
Well, if you’ve been curious about TotalAV’s full range of features, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t activate the 7-day full trial. In the following sections, we’ll analyze and discuss them all.
Malware Protection
The Malware Protection section is the most important part of TotalAV, as it comprises all its malware protection and detection features of the antivirus software solution. From this section, you can view your protection status, run scans on your PC, and manage quarantined files.
Protection Status
Quite self-explanatory, you can use this feature to check if there’s something wrong with your PC, since the full version of TotalAV offers real-time malware protection. Note that if you didn’t activate the 7-day full trial or bought a premium license, you won’t be able to use real-time protection.
Here you can also check scan results and start a new scan. Note that you won’t be able to customize any parameters, as pressing the Start new scan button will automatically initiate a Smart scan. More so, you won’t be able to interrupt the process, so you’ll have to wait until the scan is completed.
Malware Scan
This feature does exactly what it says, as you can use it to perform various scans on your system, depending on your needs. There are two pre-defined scanning options on the main screen: Quick Scan and System Scan. Think of them as surface and deep scans: the former will take less time to complete but will detect fewer items, while the latter will handle items that are more difficult to detect, but it will take longer.
There’s a third option you can use called Custom Scan, but we recommend using this one only if you’re an advanced user and know what you’re doing. The TotalAV Custom Scan lets you add specific files and folders to the process, define files and folders you want to exclude, as well as toggle archive scanning and exclude subfolders from being analyzed.
If you decide to use the third option, you’ll have to customize its parameters in order to launch it. Once you’re happy with the parameter customization, you can hit the Start Custom Scan button and wait for it to finish.
Once again we’re facing an intuitive TotalAV feature. If you’ve never used an antivirus software solution before, the quarantine is where “sick” or suspicious files are sent to prevent them from infecting healthy ones on your PC.
Some antivirus solutions simply choose to delete or shred (beyond deletion) suspicious files from your PC, leaving nothing to chance. However, you may know that some files are wrongfully detected as being malicious on your PC, and you might want your antivirus to spare them.
This is where quarantine comes into play; you can manage quarantined files by either restoring them back to their original destination, or you can delete them from your PC, thus making sure that there’s no way they can harm any healthy files on your system.
Internet Security
So far, we’ve only discussed the part of TotalAV that was designed to protect your PC’s internal structure from attacks, such as files, folders, and subfolders that may hide malicious code fragments.
You’ll be glad to know that this antivirus also has a series of additional features that can protect your PC against external malware sources, such as emails, malicious websites, ads, and other similar cyber threats.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at TotalAV’s Internet protection suite of tools.
A VPN is currently one of the best ways to go unnoticed on the Internet. Considering that your ISP can know all of your online whereabouts at the press of a button, encrypting your traffic, re-routing your connection, and hiding your online identity doesn’t seem a bad idea.
Normally we would recommend you to use a standalone VPN solution, such as NordVPN, but we’ve tested TotalAV’s VPN for a while and it seems to do a pretty good job. We’ve noticed no IP, DNS, or WebRTC leaks, our location remained hidden, and there were no interruptions in connectivity while we used it.
Sure enough, stress-testing may reveal more about this service, but if you’re looking for basic privacy protection with none of the headaches associated with VPN configuration, TotalAV may be more than enough to satisfy your needs.
Just make sure to activate the built-in VPN firewall if you want to avoid IP & DNS leaks, select the country you want to route your traffic through, and click the large Connect button.
As its name highly suggests, this TotalAV component can help you protect against malicious websites by preventing you from accessing them. You probably know how sometimes navigating on sketchy websites could lead to numerous pop-ups and redirects.
WebShield could help you avoid these websites, to begin with so that you won’t have to deal with the potential consequences later. In WebShield’s main screen you can either access the settings of this feature (where you can also turn it off if you want) or submit a suspicious website.
Ad-Block Pro
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, chances are you already own an ad-blocker of some sort. Most likely you’ve installed an extension on your current browser and you’re using it with its default settings, which we all know is not exactly effective, as some ads still manage to slip through the cracks.
Although you may think that TotalAV comes with its own ad blocker, or at least provides us with a system-wide solution, what its Ad-Block Pro section does is offer you quick ways to install a proprietary ad blocker extension on your browsers.
Furthermore, this feature is only available as an add-on that you need to purchase in addition to a premium package. Our advice? Find a free ad-blocking browser extension or system-wide solution and stick with it.
As a side note, NordVPN, the VPN solution we mentioned above, has a built-in ad-blocker that also prevents you from accessing malware-ridden domains called CyberSec.
Data Breach Check
This is quite a useful tool that will check if your email address has ever been in a breach. You just have to type your email address in the designated field and click the Check Now button.
TotalAV will then open a new tab in your default web browser where you’ll see which breaches was your email address a part of, if any. Furthermore, you could learn more about the breaches, such as additional details that attackers may have on you.
However, note that TotalAV didn’t come up with this breach checking system. As a matter of fact, we believe that TotalAV uses the Have I Been Pwned API to provide you with the data breach information. We’ve tested and the Have I Been Pwned website returns the same breach results as TotalAV’s Data Breach Check tool does.
System Tune Up
Feeling like your system has lost its shine and may need a bit of help to return to its former glory? Although you could get your hands a bit dirty and perform some manual maintenance work, using automated tools for the job may definitely be faster.
Fortunately, TotalAV also features a few such tools that can help you breathe new life into your old PC without spending too much time or effort.
Junk Cleaner
TotalAV’s junk cleaner can help you get rid of unnecessary files from your computer, thus increasing the amount of space you can fill up with truly important documents.
Windows does keep a lot of logs and temporary files that are only useful for a short period of time, after which they can be safely discarded. However, Windows doesn’t get rid of these files by itself, so you’ll have to take out the trash for yourself.
A junk cleaner such as TotalAV’s can help you speed up the process. Accessing this tool will let you see a list of files sorted by category (i.e. cached Windows updates, recycle bin, temporary files), perform a scan for newly-available junk items, and remove selected items.
If you want to see specifically which files are about to be deleted, all you have to do is click the Files number next to each category. Once you’re sure you want to remove them, just click the Clean Selected button to proceed.
Duplicate File Finder
Using your PC for prolonged periods of time could lead to mishandling documents and creating duplicates. If you just backed up some files without changing their names, that’s alright, you’ll probably need them later, but there’s no need for duplicate files to just lie around your PC if they’re not for backup & restore purposes.
TotalAV’s duplicate file finder can easily perform a scan on your PC and present you a list with all duplicate documents it’s capable to find. We recommend you check the list as many times as needed, to make sure you won’t get rid of files you may need shortly after. Once you’re certain, click the Delete Selected button.
Application Uninstaller
This tool lets you perform a scan of all the apps you’ve installed on your PC and remove them without significant effort. If you’re familiar with Windows’ program manager, you probably know that you must wait for several seconds between multiple uninstallation attempts.
TotalAV made it easier for you by letting you select several applications at once and uninstalling them altogether. Since each program has its own removal wizard, you’ll probably need to stick around for confirmation, but at least the tool will automatically begin uninstalling the following program once the current one has been dealt with.
Startup Manager
As you may know, certain programs on your computer can be set to run at startup, to save you the headache of launching them manually. Usually, these programs are either system tools that need to perform some automated checks or they’re agents that can help you save some loading time while using with their associated applications.
However, with each new program, you add to your startup list, your PC’s boot time will increase by just a smidge. A couple of programs won’t do much damage, but if you’re reckless you may inadvertently slow down your PC just by adding startup items to the mix.
TotalAV’s Startup Manager lets you perform a scan for startup items and easily toggle them on or off.
Browser Cleanup
Cleaning up your browser’s cookies and browsing history could help you dodge various connectivity issues. We’re sure you’ve been advised to “clear your cookies” before you could access a specific feature on a website or access a certain online service.
Well, that’s specifically what TotalAV’s Browser Cleanup tool can do for you. After accessing it, this tool will detect available browsers on your system, and let you clean their history items and cookies with one swift motion. You can check which data gets deleted in the process by clicking the number buttons for each browser.
More so, you can make the tool exclude a certain browser. For instance, if you want to clean only Edge cookies and history items, just uncheck all other browsers and click the Clean Selected button.
Password Vault and Family Sharing
Last, but not least, TotalAV packs two valuable features that are not included in either one of the categories above. The Password Vault allows you to create a safe space where you can safekeep all of your passwords and access them by using one single master key, even if your device is stolen or lost.
Furthermore, TotalAV’s Password Vault offers seamless integration with Firefox and Chrome by using proprietary browser extensions. Unfortunately, this feature is not accessible in the Pro version of TotalAV, as you’ll need to purchase an add-on to use it.
If you need a password manager, you’ll be thrilled to find out that there are several free options that offer the same (if not better) protection. TotalAV’s password manager had the advantage of bundling it all up and letting you access all these features directly from the antivirus’ side menu.
The Family Sharing option lets you offer your family members the same level of protection you’re getting from TotalAV. This feature is only available for the Pro version and lets all family members you invite create individual login credentials at no additional cost.
Extensive configuration menu
As you’d expect from such a versatile tool, TotalAV comes with an extensive configuration menu that lets you customize various parameters for most of the tools’ built-in components, as follows:
Antivirus Scans:
Real-time Protection:
Password Vault:
Duplicate Scans:
Notification Options:
TotalAV Review – Conclusion
A fin de cuentas, si estaba buscando una solución antivirus que también incluye VPN, un bloqueador de anuncios, una bóveda de contraseñas y utilidades de ajuste del sistema, entonces TotalAV es “totalmente” digno de ver.
Ofrece una gran cantidad de opciones a un precio accesible y le permite usar casi todas sus funciones hasta por 7 días sin pagar un centavo. TotalAV también ofrece un servicio de nivel gratuito, pero solo puede usarlo para realizar escaneos manuales en su sistema y eliminar el malware identificado.
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