如何讓 Python 和 Pip 在 Windows 上運行
需要在 Windows 10 或 11 PC 上運行 Python 解釋器嗎?通過這個簡單的教程了解如何讓 Python 在 Windows 上運行。
耳機有兩種基本變化;有麥克風,沒有麥克風。它們的價格範圍大致相同,因此人們通常擁有耳機和麥克風。在 Windows 10 上,您只需將耳機插入音頻插孔即可開始使用耳機。您將能夠收聽所有傳出的音頻。不過,耳機上的麥克風將是另一種情況。它並不總是有效。以下是在 Windows 10 上配置麥克風耳機的方法。
這篇文章涉及具有單個音頻插孔的系統。較舊的筆記本電腦和 PC 帶有單獨的耳機和麥克風插孔。當硬件也單獨出售時,這又回來了。這篇文章介紹了具有用於耳機和麥克風合二為一的耳機的單個音頻插孔的系統。這包括手機隨附的頭戴式耳機和頭戴式耳機。
Connect your headset to your system. Right-click the speaker icon in the system tray, and select Sounds. Go to the Recording tab. If your headphone’s mic appears in the list of audio devices, right-click it and select Set as default device. Of course your headset’s mic may not show up in the Recording tab. The headset will appear in the Playback tab but its mic will not appear in the Recording tab in which case, you have a driver problem.
在列表中,查找並選擇 Realtek 音頻驅動程序。安裝此驅動程序並在安裝後重新啟動系統。
After your system restarts, connect your headphone or headset. If you see an on-screen prompt asking what type of headset you’ve connected, select the headset with microphone option. This is likely only something that happens on Dell laptops but you might get something similar on other systems.
Both your headphone and mic ought to work now. If the mic still doesn’t work, repeat the very first step described in this post i.e., set the mic as the default input device.
If Windows 10 fails to list Realtek audio drivers in the Device Manager, you will have to download and install them manually.
需要在 Windows 10 或 11 PC 上運行 Python 解釋器嗎?通過這個簡單的教程了解如何讓 Python 在 Windows 上運行。
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