


您很少會在遊戲玩家的設備庫中找到無線鼠標。與有線鼠標相比,它的響應時間更短,因為它通過無線 USB 加密狗連接到您的計算機。

然而,其他類型的用戶更喜歡無線鼠標用於休閒 PC 活動、互聯網瀏覽、流媒體和工作。但是,當您的無線鼠標無法正常工作時,您可能會想放棄它,轉而使用不會讓您失望的有線鼠標。



在這樣做之前,您應該解決這個問題,看看它是否可以輕鬆解決。無論品牌如何,包括 Microsoft、Logitech 和 HP,都可能發生鼠標功能問題。



第一個問題很微妙:如果您無法使用鼠標在 Windows 10 中導航,如何解決計算機上的鼠標問題。在這種情況下,最明顯的解決方案是使用其他指點設備。例如,如果您有一台筆記本電腦,則可以切換到觸摸板或指點桿。


您還可以嘗試在 Windows 10 PC 上使用 Cortana 或其他語音識別軟件解決方案。但是,我們認為解決鼠標問題的最佳方法是使用內置的遠程桌面連接應用程序或TeamViewer等第三方應用程序從另一台計算機設置遠程桌面連接

如果無線鼠標在 Windows 10 上不起作用,如何修復它

一一按照這些解決方案解決您的無線鼠標在 Windows 10 計算機上的功能問題。



但是,如果無線鼠標停止工作時屏幕上沒有任何反應,請檢查鍵盤是否正常工作。如果它有 LED 燈,請按Num LockCaps Lock鍵查看它們是否打開。否則,請按Ctrl + Alt + Del以查看您的屏幕是否變為藍色並顯示電源選項和任務管理器。


2. 重啟你的電腦

我們知道這聽起來很愚蠢,但重新啟動計算機可能足以重新啟動無線鼠標並使其再次正常工作。它的服務和驅動程序可能由於其他正在運行的進程而掛起,因此重新啟動 Windows 10 應該可以解決問題。


如果您最近購買了新鼠標或作為禮物收到它,則可能它不支持您的操作系統。現在很少見,因為大多數現代鼠標都支持 Windows 10。

但它仍然可能發生,特別是如果該品牌是新的或相對不知名的。只需訪問鼠標製造商的網站或聯繫客戶支持以確認您的 USB 鼠標與您的系統兼容。

4. 檢查鼠標電池




一些用戶通過 HDMI 電纜通過智能電視連接他們的筆記本電腦,並嘗試在很遠的距離使用鼠標導航他們的計算機。但是,無繩鼠標不是為遠距離設計的,因此您應該靠近 USB 接收器以獲得更好的信號。這就像將您的智能手機靠近路由器以獲取互聯網。

此外,您應該確保鼠標的 USB 接收器沒有被任何物體阻擋或靠近微波爐或智能手機等其他設備,因為乾擾會導致您的無線鼠標在 Windows 10 計算機上停止工作。

6. 使用不同的 USB 端口

您的 USB 端口可能有問題,而不是鼠標。從台式機或筆記本電腦上拔下 USB 接收器,然後嘗試使用不同的相同端口。在台式機上,您還可以嘗試計算機單元的正面或背面。

但是,如果您的筆記本電腦沒有太多端口,請連接一個多端口 USB 集線器,然後將您的 USB 接收器連接到集線器,看看您的無線鼠標現在是否工作。

7. 嘗試在另一台電腦上使用鼠標

也許您的鼠標沒有出現故障,但您的計算機設置有問題。證明這一點的最簡單方法是將鼠標的 USB 接收器連接到另一台計算機,看看它是否在那里工作。


您的鼠標和 USB 設備可能未正確安裝在 Windows 10 計算機上。但是您可以從設備管理器中快速解決此問題。


  1. 右鍵單擊開始按鈕並轉到設備管理器
  2. 展開鼠標和其他指針設備菜單,右鍵單擊鼠標,然後選擇卸載設備無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 選中刪除此設備的驅動程序軟件
  4. 點擊卸載
  5. 返回設備管理器主窗口
  6. 打開通用串行總線控制器
  7. 採取相同的步驟卸載 USB 端口的設備無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  8. 打開操作菜單
  9. 選擇掃描硬件更改無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  10. 重啟你的電腦。Windows 將自動重新安裝丟失的設備
  11. 現在檢查你的鼠標


  1. Win + R,輸入devmgmt.msc,然後按Enter啟動設備管理器
  2. 點擊Tab選擇類別列表
  3. 使用箭頭鍵向下移動到鼠標和其他指點設備類別
  4. 空格鍵展開該組
  5. 按菜單鍵(三行矩形)或使用Shift + F10打開上下文菜單
  6. 按三次向下箭頭鍵選擇卸載設備並按Enter
  7. Tab直到您選擇刪除此設備的驅動程序軟件並按空格鍵選中其框
  8. Tab選擇卸載按鈕並按Enter
  9. Alt  + F4關閉所有窗口,直到彈出關閉對話框
  10. 使用向上或向下箭頭鍵選擇關機選項,然後按Enter
  11. PC 重啟後,Windows 將重新安裝丟失的設備
  12. 檢查您的無線鼠標現在是否工作


如果重新安裝設備沒有修復您的 USB 鼠標,則其驅動程序可能已過時。但是您也可以使用設備管理器來解決這個問題。

  1. 訪問設備管理器並按照此列表中解決方案 8 中的說明進行導航
  2. 右鍵單擊鼠標適配器(或按菜單鍵或Shift + F12)並選擇更新驅動程序(或按一次向下箭頭並按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 單擊自動搜索驅動程序(或按Tab選擇此選項,然後按 Enter
  4. 如果您收到已安裝設備的最佳驅動程序消息,請單擊在 Windows 更新上搜索更新的驅動程序(或按Tab選擇此選項並按Enter
  5. 打開 Windows 更新設置後,您的操作系統應立即開始尋找更新。如果沒有,請單擊檢查更新(或按Tab直到您選擇此設置並按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  6. 耐心等待 Windows 查找更新。如果有任何待處理的內容,請單擊立即下載安裝(取決於您的屏幕顯示)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  7. 重新啟動計算機以完成系統更新
  8. 返回設備管理器並執行相同的步驟以從通用串行總線控制器菜單更新您的 USB 端口。但是,如果您已經為鼠標驅動程序執行了此操作,則沒有必要檢查系統更新

不幸的是,在使用 Windows 更新追踪驅動程序時,Windows 10 的效率並不高。這裡有兩種解決方法:您可以自行下載並安裝驅動程序,也可以求助於驅動程序更新應用程序




  1. 通過從此列表中的解決方案 8 中詳述的步驟訪問和瀏覽設備管理器
  2. 右鍵單擊您的鼠標設備並選擇屬性(或按菜單鍵或Shift + F12,按一次向上箭頭並按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 單擊Driver選項卡(或按Tab直到選擇General選項卡並按向右箭頭鍵轉到Driver
  4. 單擊“回滾驅動程序”並按照屏幕上的說明進行操作(或按Tab三下以選擇“回滾驅動程序”並按Enter 鍵
  5. 如果“回滾驅動程序”按鈕變灰,則表示您無法回滾,因為您的 PC 上沒有以前的驅動程序版本無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  6. 如果允許,請對通用串行總線控制器類別中的 USB 端口執行相同操作以執行回滾


USB 端口設置不正確可能是您的無線鼠標無法在 Windows 10 計算機上運行的另一個原因。默認情況下,您的操作系統允許在不使用時禁用 USB 端口,以節省電量。但是當您插入 USB 接收器時端口沒有打開時,就會出現問題。以下是處理此問題的方法:

  1. 轉到設備管理器並使用此列表中解決方案 8 中提供的說明移動
  2. 擴展通用串行總線控制器
  3. 選擇您的 USB 設備,右鍵單擊它,然後轉到“屬性”。如果您的鍵盤卡住了,請按菜單鍵或Shift + F12,按一次向上箭頭,然後按Enter訪問屬性無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. 切換到電源管理部分(按Tab直到您選擇選項卡區域並使用箭頭鍵轉到電源管理
  5. 取消選中Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power(按Tab選擇此選項,然後按空格鍵無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  6. 單擊確定(按Tab直到您選擇OK,然後Enter
  7. 重新啟動您的電腦(按Alt + F4直到您到達關機菜單,然後選擇重新啟動並按Enter
  8. 檢查您的無線鼠標現在是否工作

12. 運行硬件和設備疑難解答

Windows 10 具有針對系統所有關鍵部分(包括硬件和設備)的內部故障排除程序。它可以幫助您解決可能導致鼠標或 USB 端口無法正常工作的常見問題,因此值得一試。通常,您可以在Settings > Troubleshooters 中找到它。但是,如果該列表中缺少硬件和設備故障排除程序,您可以使用運行工具啟動它。就是這樣:

  1. Win鍵 + R,鍵入msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic,然後按Enter
  2. 單擊Next(按Tab直到您選擇Next並按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 按照嚮導步驟操作並應用任何可用的修復程序
  4. 重新啟動您的操作系統
  5. 立即嘗試使用您的 USB 鼠標


快速啟動是 Windows 10 的一項功能,可確保並非所有進程和服務都關閉,以便在關閉後更快地啟動您的操作系統。然而,眾所周知,快速啟動已經給 Windows 用戶帶來了多個問題,包括藍屏死機錯誤

在某些情況下,它還會阻止您的無線鼠標正常工作。但是,您可以通過在 Windows 10 上禁用快速啟動來輕鬆解決此問題。您需要執行以下操作:

  1. 確保使用管理員帳戶登錄 Windows 10
  2. Win鍵 + R,鍵入control panel,然後按Enter打開此應用程序
  3. 單擊電源選項(或使用箭頭鍵移動,選擇電源選項,然後按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. 選擇選擇左側的電源按鈕的功能(或按Tab鍵選擇此選項,然後按Enter 鍵單擊它)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  5. 單擊更改當前不可用的設置(或按Tab直到選擇該選項,然後按 Enter
  6. 禁用打開快速啟動(使用Tab或箭頭鍵選擇選項,然後按空格鍵取消選中該框)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  7. 單擊保存更改(使用Tab或箭頭鍵選擇按鈕,然後按 Enter
  8. 重新啟動計算機並立即嘗試使用無繩鼠標


如果您啟動了需要資源的應用程序或遊戲,難怪您的 USB 鼠標時不時地凍結。但是您可以通過終止當前未使用的所有程序來解決此問題。最好的方法是通過任務管理器結束他們的任務。


  1. 單擊開始按鈕,搜索任務管理器,然後按Enter打開此應用程序
  2. 留在進程選項卡中。如果您在其他區域,請使用Tab選擇選項卡,使用箭頭鍵切換到“進程”部分
  3. 選擇一個未使用的應用程序,然後單擊結束任務。或者,使用Tab鍵選擇進程列表並按箭頭鍵進行導航。選擇應用程序後,按Tab直到選擇End task按鈕並按Enter(或按菜單鍵或Shift + F12打開右鍵單擊菜單,然後使用向上和向下箭頭選擇End task,然後按輸入)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. 對您不認識或不使用的所有應用程序執行此操作
  5. 立即嘗試使用您的無線鼠標

It might be necessary to restart the computer after exiting all applications. However, if all or part of these programs are scheduled to automatically run at Windows boot, then your work will have been in vain. In that case, you should return to Task Manager to disable all startup apps.

How to disable startup apps:

  1. Click the Start button, type Task Manager, and press Enter to open this app
  2. Go to the Startup tab. If you’re using a keyboard, press the Tab key until you select the tabs area, and use the arrow keys to navigate to Startup
  3. 選擇一個應用程序並點擊禁用。或者,按Tab直到選擇應用程序列表,使用箭頭鍵導航並選擇應用程序。然後按Tab直到選擇Disable按鈕並按Enter(或按菜單按鈕或Shift + F12打開上下文菜單,使用箭頭鍵選擇Disable,然後按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. 對所有處於啟用狀態的啟動應用程序執行此操作
  5. 重新啟動計算機,看看現在是否可以使用 USB 鼠標

15. 運行乾淨啟動

比禁用啟動應用程序更好的主意是在 Windows 10 上運行乾淨啟動。除了停止在 Windows 啟動時自動運行的所有程序之外,您還將禁用計劃服務。如果您的無線鼠標無法在您的 Windows 10 PC 上運行,這是朝著修復無線鼠標邁出的一步。

  1. Win鍵 + R,鍵入msconfig,然後按 Enter打開系統配置應用程序
  2. 留在常規選項卡中。如果您在其他地方,請按Tab直到您選擇選項卡區域並使用箭頭鍵轉到常規
  3. 啟動選擇中,選擇選擇性啟動並禁用加載系統服務加載啟動項。或者,按Tab直到到達Selective startup,使用箭頭鍵選擇Load system servicesLoad startup items,然後在每個設置處按空格鍵將其禁用無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. 單擊應用並退出。或者按Tab直到到達Apply按鈕,按Enter,然後按Esc
  5. 按照此列表中解決方案 14 中的說明禁用啟動應用程序
  6. 重新啟動計算機並檢查無線鼠標是否存在問題

16. 以安全模式啟動 Windows 10

在安全模式下運行 Windows 10意味著在基本狀態啟動操作系統,禁用所有不重要的驅動程序和文件。它比干淨啟動更嚴格,但它可以幫助您縮小問題的根源。

如果您的無線鼠標在安全模式下工作,則意味著默認的 Windows 設置和標準驅動程序沒有問題。您需要執行以下操作:

  1. 關閉計算機,打開它,然後強行關閉它。執行此操作 3 次以引導至故障排除模式
  2. 轉至疑難解答>高級選項>啟動設置。如果您不能使用鼠標,請使用Tab鍵導航並使用Enter訪問選項無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 選擇重新啟動並按F4以安全模式啟動 Windows(無網絡功能)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Windows 啟動後,檢查是否可以使用 USB 鼠標


您的 USB 鼠標可能會干擾當前連接到您計算機的其他外部設備。如果您最近購買或收到了作為禮物的新設備,例如網絡攝像頭或 Wi-Fi 適配器,請嘗試將其從 PC 上拔下,看看這是否解決了您的鼠標問題。

如果您不確定,請拔掉鼠標和鍵盤以外的所有東西。然後,關閉計算機,再次啟動 Windows,並檢查結果。如果您的無線鼠標現在可以正常工作,請開始一次插入一個設備,直到您的鼠標再次出現故障。


18. 運行證監會

操作系統中的任何損壞文件都可能導致設備功能問題,即使是使用鼠標也是如此。但是,您應該能夠通過使用稱為SFC(系統文件檢查器)的內部 Windows 實用程序來修復損壞的文件。以下是如何使用它:

  1. Press Windows key + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command Prompt as administrator
  2. Type sfc /scannow and press Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. Patiently wait while SFC does its job. Once it finishes, restart your computer
  4. Check if you can use your USB mouse now

19. Uninstall system updates

Long-time Windows users are familiar with the fact that certain system updates shouldn’t be released because they end up harming computers. A bad update could be the reason why your wireless mouse isn’t working properly anymore, especially if you have recently gone through an update. To solve this matter, you should uninstall the most recent Windows update. Here’s how:

  1. Win鍵 + R,輸入appwiz.cpl,然後按Enter
  2. 單擊查看已安裝的更新。或者,按Tab直到您選擇View installed updates,然後按Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. 單擊安裝日期列以按安裝日期(最新的在前)對更新進行排序。或者,按Tab直到選擇Name列,然後使用箭頭鍵轉到Installed On,然後按Enter一次或兩次無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Double-click the first update in the Microsoft Windows category and click Yes to confirm uninstall. Or, press Tab until you select the updates area, use the arrow keys to navigate to the update, then press Enter to perform the uninstall and Enter again to confirm (on the Yes option)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  5. Restart your computer and check your mouse

20. Check your PC for malware

If your computer has viruses and if critical files in charge of your mouse device were infected, it’s no wonder that your wireless mouse is not working anymore on Windows 10. But you can run a malware scan to fix this problem. If you don’t have a third-party security solution installed, turn to Windows Defender.

How to use Windows Defender:

  1. Press the Win key, type Windows Security, and press Enter to open this program
  2. Click Virus & threat protection (or, press Tab until you select this option and hit Enter)無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. Click Scan options or use the arrow keys to navigate there and hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Select Quick scan and click Scan now. Or, press Tab until you select the scan options, hit Spacebar at Quick scan, then press Tab to select Scan now and hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  5. If the search is unsuccessful, run another scan after selecting Windows Defender Offline scan mode無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  6. Patiently wait until the scan is carried out and allow Windows to remove any infected files
  7. Restart your computer and check if your mouse works now

21. Uninstall game controller software

You can use a PS4 controller on Windows 10 to play awesome games like Dark Souls, for example. However, certain game controller software applications can interfere with your mouse’s USB receiver, preventing you from using it on your computer.

If you recently installed tools like MotioninJoy, Keysticks or JoyToKey, you should remove them from your computer to restore the functionality of your wireless mouse.

How to uninstall game controller apps:

  1. Press Win key + R, type appwiz.cpl, and press Enter
  2. Find the app in the list, double-click it, and click Yes to confirm its removal
  3. Click Yes again if prompted by UAC (User Account Control) to uninstall
  4. If you’re glued to your keyboard, press Tab until you reach the list of apps, use the arrow keys to navigate to the game controller tool, then press Enter and follow the removal instructions

22. Change BIOS or UEFI settings

USB settings can be enabled and disabled from BIOS or UEFI mode. If you or someone else with access to your computer has changed the BIOS configuration, perhaps the USB support was deactivated there and must be turned on again. It’s really easy to make it happen:

  1. Restart your computer (press Alt + F4, press Tab to select Restart from the menu, then hit Enter)
  2. Before Windows boots, quickly press the key shown on the screen to access BIOS setup
  3. Using your arrow keys, navigate to the Devices section
  4. Depending on your BIOS type, find and access any area about USB
  5. Make sure to enable USB support
  6. Save the current BIOS configuration and quit to Windows
  7. Check if you can use your wireless mouse now

23. Check if you have the mouhid.sys file

mouhid.sys (Mouse HID Driver) is the kernel device driver responsible for your mouse interface. Without this file, you can’t use any mouse, no matter what you do. Get started by verifying that you have this item.

Where to find mouhid.sys:

  1. Press Win + R to open File Explorer
  2. Navigate to the address bar by pressing Tab
  3. Hit the Enter key and paste the following location:


  4. Press Enter
  5. Search for the mouhid.sys file in this list
  6. If you find it, press Win key + R, type cmd, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch Command Prompt as admin
  7. Type sc config mouhid start=demand and press Enter to restore the mouhid.sys configuration to default
  8. If the file’s not there or if it’s changed or damaged, you must create a Windows installation media disc and restore it from there

How to create Windows installation media:

  1. Connect an empty USB flash drive to your PC
  2. Download Media Creation Tool from the official website
  3. Launch the program and follow the instructions to create a Windows installation media USB disk

How to restore mouhid.sys from the Windows installation media:

  1. Sign in to Windows 10 using an administrative account
  2. Make sure the pen drive with the Windows installation media is plugged into the PC
  3. Download 7-Zip and install it on your PC
  4. Press Win + E to open File Explorer
  5. Navigate to the USB flash drive
  6. Open the Sources folder
  7. Locate the install.esd file
  8. Right-click install.esd (or press the menu key or Shift + F12) and open it with 7-Zip (Open archive)
  9. Browse the install.esd file contents in 7-Zip, then locate and copy the mouhid.sys file
  10. Switch back to File Explorer and go to the following location:


  11. Paste the mouhid.sys file here. If it already exists, overwrite the existing item
  12. Restart your computer

If the mouhid.sys file is currently being used by Windows, it won’t allow you to overwrite it. However, there are a couple of workarounds: taking ownership and using Unlocker to delete the corrupt file.

How to take ownership of mouhid.sys:

  1. Sign in to Windows 10 using an administrator account
  2. Press Win key + E to open File Explorer
  3. Navigate to:


  4. Right-click mouhid.sys and go to Properties. Or, press the menu key or Shift + F12, hit the up arrow, and press Enter
  5. Switch to the Security section. Or, press Tab until you select the area of tabs, then press the right arrow to go to Security
  6. Click Advanced. Or, press Tab until you select that button and press Enter
  7. Next to Owner, click Change. Or, press Tab until you select Change, then press Spacebar
  8. Type Administrators and click Check names. Or, press Tab to select Check names, then hit Enter
  9. Press OK, then Apply and OK twice
  10. Once returned to the Properties panel, click Edit (press Tab to select the option, then Enter)
  11. At Full control, click Allow. Or, press Tab until you reach the Allow box and press Spacebar to enable it
  12. Click Apply (press Tab until you reach Apply and hit the Enter key)
  13. After confirming the action, exit all windows

How to delete mouhid.sys with Unlocker:

  1. Download Unlocker. The app is not available for download from the official website anymore, but you can find it on third-party mirror websites
  2. Unzip and install the application. Be careful during setup since Unlocker offers to download and install unrelated, third-party programs. You can refuse those offers by unchecking their options before clicking Next
  3. If you get an error when trying to unzip or install Unlocker, it means that Windows Defender or your third-party antivirus tool is blocking it (the threat is called PUA:Win32/Presenoker). You must allow it on your device to be able to use Unlocker. Don’t worry since you can delete it afterward
  4. Launch the Unlocker app
  5. Using the built-in file browser, navigate to the %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ location (if Windows is installed on the default C: drive, then go to Windows > System32 > drivers)
  6. Select the mouhid.sys file and press OK
  7. Open the No action menu and select Delete, then press OK
  8. Since it’s a system file currently being used by your computer, Unlocker will offer to delete it during the next Windows boot. Accept this offer
  9. Reboot your computer
  10. Open File Explorer using Win key + E
  11. Navigate to the location where you copied the mouhid.sys file from the Windows installation media. Copy it again
  12. Now, go to %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ and paste the file. You shouldn’t get permission errors anymore
  13. Restart your computer again. Your wireless mouse should work now on Windows 10

24. Use System Restore

Rolling back Windows 10 to a previous checkpoint when your mouse still worked in a simple way to fix the problem if it occurred due to an unknown software event. However, this means that System Restore must have been enabled on your PC a long time ago, and that you have at least one restore point created before your cordless mouse stopped working. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Windows 10 with an admin account
  2. Press Win key + R, type control panel, and hit Enter
  3. Select Recovery. Or, use the arrow keys to navigate to this option and press Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Click Open System Restore. Or, press Tab until you reach the Advanced recovery tools menu, move to Open System Restore using the arrow keys, and hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  5. Select a restore point from the list and click Next. Or, use Tab to switch to the list of restore points, move with the arrow keys to select a checkpoint, press Tab until you reach the Next button, and hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions
  7. After Windows restarts, check if you still have problems with your wireless mouse

25. Use Event Viewer

If you still can’t figure out what’s wrong in order to fix the problem, we recommend getting in touch with the tech support of your mouse manufacturer. They should be able to shed some light on the matter.

Before doing so, it’s a good idea to collect as much information as possible about your mouse, and the best way to do that is by using Event Viewer.

How to use Event Viewer:

  1. Press the Windows key, type Device Manager, and hit Enter to open this app
  2. Extend the Mice and other pointing devices group. Or, press Tab, use the arrow keys to navigate to the category, and press the right arrow key to extend the group
  3. Right-click your mouse adapter and go to Properties. Or, press the menu key or Shift + F12, press the up arrow, and hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Switch to the Events tab. Or, press Tab until you reach the tabs area and use the arrow keys to go to Events無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  5. Click View All Events. Or, press Tab until you select that button and press Enter
  6. Copy the information found in the events list (at General and Details)

If you don’t want to contact tech support, you can look up more information on Google based on the mouse events registered by your system. You could also plug the USB receiver into another PC to compare the event logs.

26. Reset Windows 10

Performing a factory reset on Windows 10 is the last resort to restore the original system files. However, you should only proceed with this solution if you’re absolutely sure that your mouse is supported by your operating system and not damaged in any way.

Your personal files will be left untouched, so you don’t need to perform backups. But you will have to reinstall all your applications and games installed on the same drive as Windows.

How to reset Windows 10:

  1. Press the Win key, type Reset this PC, and hit Enter
  2. At Reset this PC, click Get started. Or, press Tab until you select this button, then hit Enter無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  3. Choose Keep my files無線鼠標在我的電腦上不工作(已修復)
  4. Proceed with the on-screen steps

You can fix a non-working wireless mouse

To review, if your cordless mouse is not working on Windows 10, there could be a problem with the device or your computer settings. The most delicate part is troubleshooting the problem without a mouse, unless you can control your PC remotely from another computer. Still, your keyboard is your friend.

Get started by checking if your entire system is frozen. You can try simple solutions like restarting your PC, checking the mouse compatibility and battery, moving closer to the USB receiver and ensuring that it’s not obstructed, connecting to a different USB port, and trying to use the malfunctioning mouse on another machine.

Next, you should reinstall the mouse and USB devices, update or roll back their drivers, check the USB power management settings, run the internal Hardware and Devices troubleshooter, turn off Fast Startup, terminate all running programs, run a clean boot, start Windows 10 in Safe Mode, and unplug other external devices except for the mouse USB receiver.

Furthermore, you can run SFC to find and fix corrupt system files, uninstall bad system updates, check your PC for malware, uninstall any game controller tools, change BIOS or UEFI settings, check if you have the mouhid.sys file, use System Restore to roll back to a previous checkpoint, and consult Event Viewer to get more details before contacting tech support.

If everything fails but you’re certain that the USB mouse works on any other computer, you can reset Windows 10 to factory settings and, subsequently, reinstall all system files that might be corrupt, missing, or damaged.

How did you manage to get your wireless mouse working again? Tell us all about it in the comments below.

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